❌✅Gamers (2)

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Characters: Niya,Seth,Retti,No name,Shawn and Flutet.

(written for fun :D )

612 words

(By the way they're playing Super Smash Bros brawl in case you didn't know.)

Characters they're playing as are:

Seth plays Sheik, Retti & Niya plays Kirby, No name plays Pit, and Shawn plays Wolf. Although Flutet chooses not play games with them because she's not interested into playing it.

"Jesus christ! Kill him alrighty!!" Shouted Shawn, moving the controller around him.

"I'm trying but he's just to good!" Retti said, pressing the controller's buttons rapidly.

*The smash ball appears*

"You guys are weak! I played this game 24/7 and you? HAH! Feel my wrath!" Seth said, kicking both No name and Shawn off the battle stage and heads toward the smash ball.

"Nooo!" Both Shawn and Retti says.



"Oh no." All three said.


"Everyone quick!! Get her before she uses pit's final smash!" Retti shouted.

But before anyone could get her No name used her final smash.

"AHHHHHH!!" Retti screamed, as they all of them received damage causing both Retti and Seth off the stage accept for Shawn.

"Oh crap I lived!" Shawn said.

"Fu-" "No swearing Seth!" Niya said in the background, while Seth groaned.

Retti laughs, "Gg bro" Retti says, bro fisting his hand.

"Yeah good game." Seth said.

Meanwhile both Shawn and No name were the only one's on the stage.

"I'm betting Shawn's gonna win." Seth says, laying back on the couch.

"How can you say that? No name has 56% while Shawn has 134% and both of them have one stock! How in the world is he gonna win?" Retti asked Seth.

Seth smirks. "You'll see soon." He said, while Retti was confused.

Shawn had almost 200% by now and he basically couldn't move because she's always grabbing him and slaming him to the ground.

Soon, slowly Shawn's scarf moved and pushed No name forcefully causing Shawn to give him the chance to use hit her a couple times before dieing off screen no time flat.

"Winner Wolf!" The annoucer shouted from the screen.

"I win" Shawn laughed.

"Cheater! Your scarf moved me!" She said laughing.

"Whaa? But my scarf never will do that~! Right scarfy?" He says while his scarf looks to be nodding.

"Oh that's it! Your getting it!" No name laughs trying to tickle him.

"Noo! N-not th-the tic-tickles!!" He laughs also.

Everyone watches and laughs but soon a few hours later Flutet came over to Seth & Niya's house.

And to Flutet's surpise she looked strangely at all of them in the room, seeing what they were doing pining down shawn onto the floor.

"N-No! I promised I didn't cheat this time at all guys come on!! Ahah! Hey! Flutet h-help me! They're trying to tickle the hell out of me!" Shawn yells.

Flutet goes into the kitchen and says "Your on your own!" and laughs afterwards.

"No seriously! I'm de-Ahahaing! Stop t-that!!" Shawn yells.

"This is for own good for cheating!" No name says, "Ya. No cheating.." Niya says while she's on top of him hugging him on his chest. "Niya why are you on top of him I thought you said you wanted to tickle him." Seth says. "I'm tireeeed...." Niya responds back. "So how long are we doing this too him?" Retti asks. "As long as it takes. >:3c " No name says in a evil tone.

"You guys are e-evil!!" Shawn shouts.


"Hey everyone! dinner's... Oh." Flutet says while giggling over the fact everyone fell asleep from today.

Flutet grabs two blankets putting it over all of them smile softly and whispers "Just like childern.." She whispers.

start - 12/30/2018

fin - 3/23/2019

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