Chapter Eighteen - Reunion

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Everything was in chaos.

The pack racing around unsure of where exactly the threat was, only that everytime another wolf fell it threw the pack deeper into confusion.

Shillow and I burst through the bramble wall and my eyes darted around searching for Sanna’s familiar pelt only to find it lying unmoving on the ground the pups cowering next to it.

A feral snarl roared from my throat and a few wolves paused in their running startle as I burst into the clearing charging towards the pups’ and Sanna.

I came to a skidding stop over the pups, snapping at any wolf stupid enough to get close.

Than the absolute most terrifying thing happened, it went silent.

All of the wolves froze their eyes trained on the figure emerging from the brush.

The man stepped out slowly cautiously, more cautious than I had ever seen a human move and that’s when I noticed it. The shaggy gold hair, and darting amber eyes.

‘Khoal’ I croaked and the man’s head snapped in my direction and pure relief crossed his face                  

“Siah.” He breathed and stepped towards me shifting as he did and from behind him came two wolves, one with fur a shade darker than mine, a pale grey and the other a silver and white wolf with honey colored eyes.

‘Siah?’ the silver and white wolf asked her voice to familiar and the fur along my shoulders began to rise, Khoal froze and the wolf lifted her head in defiance.

‘Who are you?’ I questioned working to keep a growl out of my voice and failing miserably.

‘Siah,’ the second wolf piped up her voice causing an explosion of pain in my heart.

‘Carrie?’ I questioned my voice going hoarse and the wolf yipped her excitement and began to run towards me only to be blocked by the other.

The she-wolf’s eyes locked on mine judging me, and my lips slowly pulled back.

Sanna stirred underneath me and the pups whimpered pressing closer to her.

Lifting her head Sanna looked at the she-wolf her noes twitching like crazy.

‘Crystal’ she demanded and the wolf’s eyes softened and her form began to change until the last person I had ever expected to see stood in front of me.

Her hair no longer a light brown, but a pale golden blonde hung down to her elbows, making her look five years younger than she was, and her hazel eyes gleamed with laughter just like the last time I had seen her.

‘Kristie.’ I chocked and she smiled her form falling back to that of the silver and white she-wolf and she walked towards me and I was to stunned to move but Sanna wasn’t.

Moving from underneath me she stood in front of me barring Kristie’s path.

‘Crystal?’ she questioned her voice soft and Kristie nodded brushing her muzzle under Sanna’s chin.

‘It has been a long time sister’ she said and I thought my legs would fall out from beneath me.

Crystal was Kristie, which meant Kristie, was my mother.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

hhhmmm well long time no speak got what I wanted so I guess I'll be nice and update ;) I hope you guys like it, it's a smidge weird and I am not one hundered percent sure that I like it so will see where this takes us.

It may be another while before I update, not because I'm being a pain but just cause I am a bit busy with something else but I will try really hard to get the next chapter out soon.

Thank you everyone,


P.S. Sorry it's short but eh got lazy and thought a cliff hanger might be funny.

:) :) :)


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