Chapter Eight - An Unwanted Reality

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I walked up to the home that had been a safe place for me for as long as I could remember. A home where everything was vibrent and lively, but the house I now looked at was like something from my worst nightmare.

The lawn that streatched out before me was yellow and dying, all of the flowers', that next to Carrie, were Kristies pride and joy were shrivled stubs.

"What happened here" I whispered and Carrie looked back at me with sad eyes,

"Mom's death" she said and I looked out to the road and my eyes filled with tears.

"Hey! No crying. Enough of that has been done around here for a dozen life times" Carrie said and I looked at smiled at her.

"What?" she asked at my smile and I laughed,

"You're not a little girl anymore, you've grown up alot since I left" I said and she smirked

"Well thanks" she said and finished walking up to the front door and I followed.

The inside of the house was relitivly the same, a little darker and colder with out Kristies presance but I was over joyed.

"Dad, I'm home and I brought a friend we'll be up in my room" Carrie said as we passed by the living room and I paused streatching my head around to look in but I couldnt see anyone.

"Well Siah you still happy you came back?" Carrie asked as we sat on her bed and I looked at her confused,

"Of coarse I am, why wouldn't I be?" I asked and she snorted,

"Because it sucks here!" Carrie exclaimed and I was taken back.

"Siah, you don't know what it's been like! Dad went off the deep end after mom died and we thought that Khoal had stolen you" she said and I cringed.

"I'm sorry" I said and she smiled,

"Don't be you came back" she said.

We sat in Carrie's room for hours until a loud screaming sound peirced my ears. Letting out a yelp I covered my ears and Carrie quickly grabbed a silver cell phone of off her bed side table and the sound stopped.

"Sorry, my boyfriend's texting me" she said as I slowly moved my hands from my ears,

"Your fine" I said with a small smile but Carries eyes were glued to the small screen.

"Hey, Siah I have a question for you" Carrie asked finally closing her phone and looking at me and I smiled,

"What" I answered.

"would you and Khoal maybe like to come on a double date?" She asked and I tinlted my head,

"Huh?" I asked and she smile

"Would you and Khoal like to come and hang out with me and my boyfriend" she said and I nodded now understanding.

"Um, I don't know I'll ask if he'd like to" I said and she smiled.

We walked back down stairs and I followed Carrie out the back door to the yard. Once the door was shut I let the sheild fall and ran around the back yard flying with my speed yipping with joy.

Carrie aloud me to run for awhile before she cleared her throat and I stopped. Taking in a deep breath and let a long howl roll up from my chest. Silence filled the forest around the house as I waited my head cocked. The stirring of bush brought me to my feet but I was thrown to the ground,

"My, My the memories this bring backs Princess" Khoal whispered in my head and I laughed.

We both shifted back to human froms but he kept me pinned for a minute until Carrie's quite laughter had him jump to his feet and help me to my own.

"Shall we go?" Carrie asked and I looked at Khoal asking him if he wanted to go and he shrugged,

"Whatever you want to do" he said and I smiled grabbing his hand and we followed Carrie out the side gate.

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