Chapter Seven - Returning Home

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As I looked out the window my eyes filled with tears. The familiar sceanaries of home flashed by my eyes. Khoal's cold fingers brushed tears from my eyes. As the plane landed I was a blur in my seat moving around impatiently as it seemed to take forever for the plane to dock. Once the flight attendants told us we could leave the plane I rushed forward barreling past people who yelled after me but I was unfazed. Familiar scents swirld around me and I let out a delighted laugh.

"Was this a good suprise?" Khoal asked and I nodded my voice failing me and I jumped at him wrapping my arms around his neck,

"Where did you get the money for the plane ticket?" I asked as we walked down main street our fingers' intertwind.

"I had some 'friends' who owed me" he said and his tone said that I should leave it and I did.

As we walked around memories swarmed around my head like angery bees', and that's when it happened. I froze my body going ridged as a scent that I thought I would never smell again surrounded me.

"Siah? What's wronge?" Khoal asked but my head snapped around and I let go of his hand and followed my noes. Passing through people I had known since I was a pup, I ended up at the local high school. Cocking my head to the side I looked around and my heart leaped into my throat. She walked along side the fence, her light brown/blonde hair a little shorter than my own falling just above her shoulders, and her hazel blue eyes looking up at the sky.

"Carrie," I breathed and took a step towards her and her snapped over and she lock my gaze.

Both of us stood un-moving, a involintary smile began to creep onto my lips and confusion entered her eyes.

"Siah!" I heard Khoal yell behind me but my gaze never wavered.

"Siah?" Carrie mouthed and I dipped my head and the illusion fell off.

Silence filled the air and I let out a whine

"Siah?" Carrie asked again, this time louder "Siah, Siah OH MY GOD SIAH!" She screamed and climbed over the fence and I let out a yip and jumped to meet her.

I don't know how long we chased each other around yiping and laughing before she fell out of breath.

"Siah, are you. I thought I saw you as, like" Carrie said grasping for words and with a snort I pulled the disguise back on and her eyes widdened.

"Can you, Can you talk?" she asked and I laughed

"Of coarse" I said and she jumped at my voice.

"God I've missed you!" She sobbed standing back up and wrapped me into a hug and I laughed and held her tight.

Khoal slowly walked over to us and I pulled away from Carrie,

"Carrie you remember Khoal right?" I asked and she nodded her gaze cautious

"Yeah, We thought he had stolen you" she said and I gigled while Khoal flipped his tawney hair to cover his face.

After we talked for a while Carrie led us to a small restruant and we sat at one of the outside tables and she just stared at me like I wasn't real.

"You've gotta stop looking at me like that Carrie it's, wierd" I said and she blinked blushing,

"Sorry it's just, have you always been able to." she said leaving off the end to motion towards my body and I laughed.

"No, only since" and I stopped my eyes dropping.

"Oh" was all she said and Khoal's arms wrapped around me and I leaned into his shoulder.

"Hey, why don't you come home with me and we can catch up?" Carrie said breaking the silence and I looked at her shocked.

"But what about James?" I asked and her eyes hardened

"Don't worry he won't notice" she said her voice hinting something.

I looked up at Khoal for his permission and he smiled,

"Don't look at me this is a present. You can do what ever you want, I have some bussinus I have to take care of anyway" he said and kissed my forehead

"Okay" I said standing up and Carrie gave me a smile and we left for home.

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