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Haha wow I am so sorry for how long it has taken me to get this out life has been crazy!! Thank you to everyone who has read this story old and new it means so much to me. <3

“NO!” I snapped my jaws closing just inches from ‘Kristie’s’ muzzle as I pushed Sanna aside. But it hardly fazed her.

Lifting her head up so she stood taller than me ’Kristie’ looked down her eyes locking onto mine, my legs began to shake.

‘You’re dead’ I snarled working to keep my footing, the unnerving silence of the pack defiantly wasn’t helping.

‘I know.’ Was all she said, her expression serene.

“I know,” she says like that was some sort of apology for twelve years of absence, for not telling me that she was like me, for not telling me that she was my mother.

‘Not an answer!’ I snapped my hind legs tensing and I jumped at her.

‘SIAH!’ I could hear several voices scream as I rammed into Kristie.

As I bit down into her shoulder I could hear her teeth lock together and a small whine escaped her. With my fangs buried deep her fur swirled around my noes and a scent that was so heart breakingly familiar filled my every breath.

Kristie sitting on the couch, standing in the kitchen, out in the lawn, too many memories. As blood touched my tongue I stumbled back choking back the sick that threatened to come up.

Releasing her shoulder I stepped away my whole body  shaking.

‘You’re real’ I stated my voice wavering.

Sanna moved forward gently brushing my side as she did and leant down to help Kristie to her paws.

‘Siah.’ A gentle voice asked, and the feeling of someone pressing up beside me stole my mind away.

I looked over and was lost in a pair of familiar amber eyes.

‘Khoal?’ I asked not trusting reality anymore.

‘Yeah.’ He said softly his muzzle brushing my shoulder and I collapsed onto my huanches.

A growl that put a thunder storm to shame roared behind me.

My head snapped up at the sound and I turned to face a charging Shillow his eyes locked on Khoal.

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