Chapter Seventeen - A Threat

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Ok re wrote this chapter hated how I ended it the first time so here is try to.

Thanks For Reading Guys! ! !

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It has been seven days since I came to pack. I've been out on two hunts, on the second I killed my first deer. On my third day with the pack Sanna introduced me to her pups'.

Kale, the first born. A stocky brindle male who was the most outgoing of the pups, constently pouncing on anything that was two times bigger than him.

Shade, the first female. A slim black pup, who Sanna tells me is a mirror image to the pups' father who is a loner and only comes every now and than to see how the pups and Sanna are.

Kit and Jay are the two runts of the litter. Kit is a lean, frail looking light grey pup. Though she looks like she would break just by walking she constantly picks fights with Kale, and wins. Jay is a smaller male in comparison to his elder brother. With a black/blue pelt he is a strange sight to see.

I go to visit the pups every day that I can and on my fourth day I took Shillow with me.

"HELP!" Shillow cried as he fell under a sea of riggling pups and I fell to the ground laughing, "Don't just lay there help me, I'm under attack!"

"Nah, you're on your own buddy I don't want to get pulled into a fight with those mighty fighters" I said and at my voice the pups froze in their attack and all four heads turned to me, "Oh No!" I shreiked as the pups bailed off of Shillow and charged towards me.

Scrambling to my paws I trotred away from the pups keeping just out of their reach as they yipped and chased after me.

"Ow!" I yelped as Kale latched onto my tail and dug his over sized paws into the ground.

Falling to the ground I was pinned by the pups. Kit leaped at my face and bit onto my ear and gave a feirce shake of her little head, while Jay and Shade chased after my twistching paws.

"Shillow Help!" I shouted and I heard him chuckle,

"Yeah not very fun is it?" he demanded and I groaned

"Please tell me you're not holding a grudge" I begged and his laughter grew louder.

"Kale, Shade, Kit, Jay, Get off of Siah now!" Sanna's voice boomed out and the pups froze before quickly scrambling off of me and hidding behind my back.

Looking up my eyes widdened. Sanna padded towards Shillow and I and by her side was a large black wolf.

The black wolf though big was thinner sleeker than the bulk that most of the male wolves in the pack had. He also seemed extremly uncomfertable, his tappered ears swivling to a fro and the fur on his neck seemed permanently raised.

As Sanna and the wolf grew closer the pups slowly began to rise from behind my back and it was clear the instant they saw the black wolf.

"Dad!" the pups yipped in unison and tumbled over me, and raced around the black wolf's paws and he jumped around chasing after the pups.

Sitting up as Sanna walked over to me I watched the wolf play with the pups and Sanna laughed sitting next to me.

"So that's the father" I stated and Sanna nodded,

"I was out on the hunt and he came out of nowhere and wanted to see the pups so here he is" Sanna said her eyes soft as she watched the wolf roll with his pups.

"Cute isn't it?" Shillow's soft voice said behind me and I shivered but nodded.

Shillow and I leave giving Sanna time alone with her mate and pup's.

"Have you ever thought about it?" I asked looking over at Shillow as we padded out of the clearing and he glanced down at me,

"Thought about what?" he questioned and I sighed flopping down onto the leaf litter floor.

"Finding 'the one' and settling down," I said and than laughed "or are you planning on being a batchler for the rest of your life?"

Remaining straight faced Shillow sat down in front of me and matched my gaze,

"Mm, can't say I haven't thought about it, I'm sure everyone has" he said and snorted.

"That doesn't answer my question" I said and I could feel the smugness rolling off of him,

"I know," he said leaning down and bumped his muzzle against mine, " I don't want to be a batchler forever but the problem I have is the girl I want is a bit to far out of my leage" he added and my eyes widdened,

"Really?" I questioned and he chuckled deep in his chest,

"Really," he answered and a chorous of yelps, howls, and snarls filled the air.

"What The-" I shrieked,

"Something's attacking the pack" he growled and my heart seemed to leep into my throat as he said that and images of Sanna's pups flashed in my mind.

"Like hell it is" I snarled pulling myself to my feet every strand of my fur standing on end as I dug my claws into the ground and took off towards the clearing.

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