josh richards

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You were in Malibu, surfing as usual. Your family owned a house just down the beach, but you always came and surfed on the public beach. Some of your friends worked as lifeguards so after you surfed you'd usually go hang out in the tower with them. The waves started to mellow out so you headed in. Going up to the lifeguard tower, you noticed a group of boys setting there things down and setting up a few chairs. From a distance, they seemed pretty cute. "Y/N! Did you see that group of boys?" your best friend, Amanda, asked once you stepped into the tower. 

"There's a lot of groups of boys, Amanda," you sighed.

"You know what I'm talking about," she said rolling her eyes. "By the way, I love the swimsuit. I wish I could wear something other than a red lifeguard swimsuit."

this is the swimsuit:

"Amanda, you have like twenty swimsuits," you said back earning a glare from Amanda

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"Amanda, you have like twenty swimsuits," you said back earning a glare from Amanda.

"Hey, lookin hot today, Y/N," Noah said walking in.

"Thank you, and you don't look too bad yourself," you said joking around with your childhood best friend.

"Noah, don't you think Sarah should go talk to those guys?" Amanda asked.

"Yeah, sure. But if they're mean, you come get me, and I'll teach them a lesson."

"Oh, big bad Noah here to save the day," Amanda said ruffling his hair while Noah swatted her hands away.

"Well, I'm gonna go now, see you guys later," you said gathering your things.

"Are you going to talk to them?" Amanda called as you opened the door.

"Maybe," you answered walked down the incline that lead up to the tower.

You grabbed your board and started walking to the beach behind your house. Things began to wobble in your hands, since they were so full, and you began dropping things left and right. "Shit."

"Hey, need some help?" a deep voice asked you. Looking up, you locked eyes with a pair of beautiful blue eyes.

"Oh, um, yeah sure," you said as he picked up the things you dropped and handed them to you. "Thank you."

"Anytime," he said. As you were turning to walk away you felt your bag slipping off your shoulder. "Here. I'll just carry it. Where are you parked?"

"Oh, no its okay. You don't have to. I live just down the beach, and it's kind of a far walk."

"I don't mind," he said sweetly causing you to blush a lot. "Just let me tell my friends that I'll be walking you."

"O-okay," you stuttered out stunned by this stranger's politeness. You glanced up to where the lifeguard tower was to see Amanda wiggling her eyebrows at you and Noah punching his hand repetitively. 

"He's from that group," Amanda mouthed to you.

"I know," you mouthed back looking over to where he was talking to his friends. 

"Okay, you ready?" he said once he reached you.

"Yep," you answered. "So, what's your name?"

"Josh," he said, "what about you?"


"Nice to meet you then, Y/N," he said jutting out his hand for you to shake.

Giggling, you stuck your hand out to shake his. "Nice to meet you too."


A/N: fan art is mine!!

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