mark anastasio

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(oooh new guyyy)

"Did you hear that he cheated on her?" a girl quietly said to the small group of girls surrounded her near the lockers. You were at your locker, messy locker may I add, trying to find your chemistry book when you not so accidentally leaned in on this conversation. 

"Who cheated on who?" a girl that just joined the group asked. 

"Mark. Mark Anastasio," girl number one said. A chorus of gasps rang through the group. Your head whipped in their direction after the words registered in your brain, and to your luck all of them where staring at you. You slammed your locker shut and made your way to where you knew Mark was. Mark and you had been dating for two years now, and this was very unexpected and needed to be discussed right now. 

"Hey," you said somewhat forcefully as you reached where he was talking with his friends Luca and Max. "I need to talk to you alone."

"Ooooh someone's in trouble," Luca called after you as you dragged Mark to an empty classroom. Mark threw a playful glance over his shoulder to the boys.

"What's wrong?" he said after we had stepped into the dark, unoccupied classroom. 

"I need to hear it from you. I'm not accusing you of anything. I'm not saying it's true. I just need to ask because I heard a lot of girls talking about it because you know everyone likes you. And like I'm not trying to be that girl. But you know I get insecure sometimes and sometimes I just need to be reassured and -"

"Slow down. Slow down," he interrupted and placed his hands on your shoulders in a soothing manner. "Now, tell me what's wrong. I won't be mad."

"Well, I overheard some girls saying that you cheated on me," you said sheepishly as you bent your head down. Saying the words out loud kind of hurt. Now you didn't believe it was true; you couldn't. But they hurt because thinking of that hurts because that means you wouldn't be with him. And you can't imagine that. He was your world, and you were his; and you never wanted to lose that. Some tears that you couldn't stop sprang to your eyes by just the thought of losing him. 

He tilted your head up with his finger, and as he did a single tear slid down your face. "Baby," he soothed as he pulled you into a hug. He sat down on a near by chair, and you sat down on his lap placing your head into his shoulder. "I didn't and would never. Never think that."

You picked your head up off of his shoulder and looked at him. "I know. I didn't believe it, but just the thought really hurts," you said. 

"I promise that I will never do that to you. You're my world baby. Never forget it," he said and placed a sweet kiss on the corner of your mouth. He stood up still holding you close and placed you on your feet. "You okay?"

You nodded your head. He took your hand in his and led you out of the classroom and back to his locker where his friends were still standing and talking.

"You guys just went in there to make out didn't you?" Max asked causing you to blush deeply. 

"No," you said with a scowl on your face. 

"Man, that's a good idea, Max," Mark said as he face palmed himself. "Why couldn't I have thought of that?"

"Uhh," you huffed out and slapped him playfully across the shoulder causing the whole group to chuckle. "Let's go to class."


Heyyyyyy I know it's been forever. I'm sorry. 

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much love <3

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