noah beck

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(new guy!!)

When you heard the bell above the door jingle signaling a customer, you almost didn't register it. You were deep into studying your notes, which of course you knew you shouldn't be doing when you're working. You just really needed to get this concept down and couldn't, and it was frustrating you. "Hey, Y/N can you go to the register?" the manager of your grandma's small coffee shop yelled from the backroom.

When you walked out, your eyes met with a very handsome man. Honestly, the man standing on the other side of the counter kind of took you breath away. Shaking your head, you tied the loose apron around your waist and walked to the register. "Hi, what can I get for you?" you said with a smile on your face. No reply came as the stranger just stared at you; a confused expression etched into his features.

After the longest pause in history, the stranger finally spoke up. "Are you new here?" he asked completely ignoring the fact that you was trying to take his order. He was looking at you with such a pensive expression that you was wondering if you had met him before.

"Oh no, I'm just filling in for my grandma," you said answering his question. "She has the flu."

"Mary is your grandma?" he asked.

"Yes," you said, then looked at him with a pointed expression and then looked to the cash register in front of you.

"Oh, I'm sorry," he said and got his wallet out. "Usually Mary has my stuff ready."

"You come here a lot?" you asked him.

"Yes, every day, same time," he said. "Sorry I still haven't told you what I want." You just chuckled in response and prepared to punch whatever he ordered into the fifty year old cash register in front of you. "I'll have a large iced green tea and a blueberry muffin."

"Okay, that'll be-,"

"$5.54," he finished, and you just looked at him and took the money that he was handing to you. You turned around to go and make the tea and get the muffin. After a few short minutes, you handed him his order. But before he made it out the door, he turned to you and said, "Hey, I didn't catch your name."

"Um, it's Y/N," you said to him and he just smiled and then walked out the door.

"Wait," you called after him after looking to the counter and seeing his phone lying there. After running out the door, you saw him walking down the sidewalk. "Hey, sir!"

"It's Noah," he said.

"Noah, you left your phone," you said holding it up in the air.

"Shit, thanks," he said as he jogged up to get it.

And little did you know that would be the day you met the love of your life. 


this sucks and im sorry im going through such bad writers block :(

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