All in a days work

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" what the" I mumbled softly to myself, trying to double check if what I was seeing was right. It's Wednesday morning and like every other morning it's packed as always. Marshall has lil Wayne down here for a few days to work on some songs with him and TI which of cause means they bring a lot of people and entourage and suddenly it becomes entertaining more than 25 people.

Like always my close friends are here making it very hard not to get distracted and forget it's still work and I still have to do certain things before I leave tonight.

Walking out of my office towards the coffee machine, I'm constantly looking down trying to work out some calculations and figure out if what I just read of the computer is right of of they's been a mistake somewhere along the line.

" Andrea..... Andrea..... ANDREA!!!!" I heard in the distant background but not really paying attention to it. You know how you can get so caught up in something that everything else doesn't seem to matter, it's like you've entered your own little world.

The only way I came back down to earth was by getting hit in the head with a little soft stress ball that Royce threw at me trying to get my attention.

" what was that for?" I asked, still unaware that's he's been trying to grab my attention for a while. Looking up towards Royce I see that he's joined by all of lil Wayne's crew including drake who has popped into hang out for a bit. Everyone seems to be hanging out around Detroit since Eminem and jay z are performing next week and have a lot of special guest.

" just wanted to get your attention, since you're so caught up in paper work like always. Does Marshall know you are still working?" Royce answered, deciding to add the last bit because he knows how much Marshall hates me working for a certain amount of time without having a break and since I've had radiation today I should be really taking it easy.

" you wouldn't!" I said sternly, glaring at Royce and hoping he doesn't tell Marshall since he's gone out for a while with Wayne and doesn't really know I haven't had break and I'm still working. But seeing Royce smirk I can tell all he wants is something and this is his way of getting it.

" I won't, but why don't you join us for a while, play some poker" he mischievously said, showing every sign that's he's up to something an just wants my money.

But knowing he will tell Marshall I just walk over to the table and join the game, very aware I suck and I'm about to get a lot I money wiped away from me.

The only really good thing about the poker game is the friendly guys I played with including drake who I hadn't met before.

It didn't take long before we are all yelling and cheering as money flowed from each other's pockets.

From the start drake saw how bad I am and offered to pair up with me and help me keep some of my money.

Through out the game, he joked as we talked a lot getting to know each other, apparently he was having girl troubles with his girlfriend Rihanna and needed some time away to deal with a few things he also enjoyed the free girl advice I gave him since I'm very much like Rihanna.

" cheated again" I yelled, smirking towards Royce and bizzare knowing very well they cheated once again making me pay up big, these guys are going to send me broke for goodness sake.

" what going on?" I heard from above me making me glance up to see Marshall has arrived back and is wondering what all the noise and commotion is all about.

" oh hey.... Royce blackmailed into playing poker and is basically taking all my money." I explained, glancing between Marshall and my cards. I can't read his face once again emotionless Eminem is back in the studio, and he just glares at me making me wish I never came Out of my office.

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