Eventful night

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Just as i imagined dinner was already shit, Andrea arrived looking stunning and very elegant as always. Wearing a black little tight dress that wasn't to formal but shows of all the right curves. The only thing that messed her look up was the dickhead right next to her, you can tell he was a little younger and defiantly a doctor just by his cocky and big headed manner.

He didn't speak much, I don't think he really got any of our jokes or sense of humor, instead he just sat whispering little things into Andrea ear, which I tried not to gag from. You have no idea how hard it is to sit across the table watching another guy flirt openly with the girl that should be mine, the woman that should be sitting next to me holding my hand and flirting with me but instead I just got Hilary, trying to be cute and sweet all the time.

Like Andrea she also wore a tight black dress but hers looked more like a strippers dress, her boobs nearly popping out of it.
The only reason I was here with Hilary was because I knew I couldn't just randomly get rid of her, that would be unfair so I knew I have to stay with her until we head back to America which is only one more day. But she was annoying me tonight because Hilary loves new things and loves new guys, so straight away she had taken an interest in Andrea's new date and couldn't help but lean forward and ask him a few questions, allowing him to get a perfect view of her breast from his seat, and man did he love checking her out.
I think Andrea even began noticing how he couldn't stop staring at her and flirting back to her, as both Andrea and I sat on the side trying to make it look like we didn't care that our dates were more interested in each other.

I think Andrea must have really started to hate it because not long before we were going to order she excused herself from the table to go to he ladies room.

" so what should I order for Andrea and I" her doctor date said to himself while looking through the menu. I was thinking of Andrea when I chose this place because I know how much she loves Mexican food and this just happens to be the best in town.

" mmm... The Mexican curry sounds good" he said making me look at what he was talking about, but as I read what's in it I knew Andrea would hate it the dish.

" Just to warn you Andrea doesn't really like hot stuff and she can't stand the beans " I said suggesting he choose another plate to share with her because I know for a fact that Andrea wouldn't even touch it.

She loves Mexican but she can't really eat the hot curry meals and she try's to stay away from the meals with beans in it.

" I'm sure she will like it" he just replied coldly to me , making the guys glance at him in horror.

Straight away I can tell he likes to be the dominant one and the one that makes all the decisions, so he didn't care if Andrea didn't like any of the stuff that's in it, he chose it anyway. He doesn't suit Andrea, she's very independent woman and likes to choose her own things instead of a guy taking that power.

Andrea P.O.V

Coming back from from the bathroom, I heard dinner was already ordered which I don't mind. My date is going alright, not the best one, he seems to touchy feeling for me. I think he reckons we are going to have sex later on and doesn't really care about getting to know me any better, he just wants to have sex like all the rest of the guy population.

Our meals arrived pretty soon after that, which was a good thing because I hate watching my date flirt constantly with Hilary, and even though I'm not really talking to Marshall I do still feel for him , I can see it in his eyes that he has also noticed his girlfriend flirting with another man. You see over these last couple of days Marshall and I haven't been so intense around each other. It's not like we are talking a lot more and I still am quite upset about the other night, but it's just been calming down a little and the room seems more relaxed than it used to be, I feel he is upset about something because even when Hilary is all over him he doesn't seem that interested and can't help but think about something else, plus there is the whole thing about him going to fifty and opening up about me, showing me he actually does feel remorse on what he said to me.

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