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Andrea: hello

Marshall: hey it's Marshall.

Andrea: well well! How's the trip going?

Marshall: yeah it's alright, dragging on but! How are you?

Andrea: you'll be home in a couple of days. I'm actually quite good, I've Been busy with boys though and getting them ready for their trip to Australia.

Marshall: yeah well only a couple more days left. So their heading of with Jordan?

Andrea: yeah, they're leaving tomorrow night and going over for a week or so, gives them the chance of catching up with friends.

Marshall: no it sounds good, they're going to love it.

Andrea: yeah they sure are!............

( an awkward pause in the conversation. It was like she didn't want to talk to me and defiantly wasn't making an effort. )

Marshal: Am I interrupting anything? ......

Andrea: ........ Ummm...... No why would you say that?

Marshall: it's just you're being really short with me. I don't know if I've caught you at a bad time or something.

Andrea: Nooooo...... You haven't. ....... I guess I'm worried I'm holding you up...... I don't know I just don't want you to feel you have to call.

Marshall: I'm calling because I want to!!!! not because I thought I should after what happened the other night.

Andrea: really ???

Marshall: yeah...... I've been dying to call you and hear your voice, I've just been so flat out that I've only had a few chances to call the girls.

Andrea: awww.... You're really sweet. But Don't worry about it, I know Tara's Been keeping you busy.

( I didn't know how to reply or what to say. I still can't believe after spending the night together she honestly thinks I would jump on the plane and start banging my assistant.)

Andrea:'s a joke Marshall........

Marshall:..... Yeah hilarious..... Do you honestly think I would do something like that???

Marshall: ........ Andrea??......

Andrea: honestly I don't know anymore!.... But come on!!! I have a right to be suspicious about a few things.

Marshall: I didn't know you felt that way!.....

Andrea: well we haven't really sat down and talked about it yet.

Marshall: I know.... I just thought after telling each other how we felt... That........

Andrea: that...... I would forget everything that has happened and fall madly in live with you....... Marshall you've hurt me so many times...... It's going to take a lot more than spending the night together to even begin to gain my trust.

Marshall: I know it will.......look I have to go, they need me on stage... But Ill call you when I get back or something.....

Andrea: Marshall !!!!

I heard her yell in the phone not giving her a chance to stop me before I hang up on her. I know I shouldn't and I should stay and try to fix this, but I guess I really didn't know how to respond.

Stupid me honestly thought after the other night Andrea and I would be on the same page, the page that we both know we like each other and are going to try and see where this leads, so hearing her just say that she doesn't trust me and doesn't know how she feels about us really makes my heart sink.

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