Confessions & Judgements -pt 1

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To say I have been feeling good would be a lie, for matter of fact I been feeling like shit but for some reason I have no idea why.

These last couple of weeks since the party my family is going strong, work has been fun and adventurous and my friendship with Marshall just seems to be growing.

" Hey Marshall, can I talk to you for a sec?" I asked while Marshall was having lunch with the guys and as always mucking around like little boys with their playstation games etc.

" Yeah sure" he replied smiling while getting up and following me away from the guys to give us some privacy and allow us to talk.

" Everything alright?" he asked after noticing the worry on my face and thinking if he has done something wrong.

" Yeah, it's just I had an appointment booked for next week but they rang and said they can fit me in earlier, so I was wondering if I could have tomorrow off and work next week or something? " I asked hoping he would say yes. Trust me this isn't what I was expecting to happen, I remember going to the GP a couple of weeks ago and now I have to go back because they want to check something out.

"Andrea that's fine, you don't need to make up for it" he replied, making me smile when hearing I can have tomorrow of, even though he said yes I still have to work out a plan for the boys, you see I'm going away in just over a week and well there is like double work to be completed and since i hate leaving the boys at home , it means I need to work out plans for them as well.

" Is everything alright though? nothing I should be worried about ?" he asked with concern all through his voice. Just like that I've seen the side of Marshall he always tries to hide, the soft caring side.

" Yeah yeah I'm fine. Just a checkup that's all" I reassured him, smiling trying to show him everything is alright and nothing to worry about, but you know Marshall he might act like he believes you but as you look at him you can still see the worry in his eyes.

" Oh by the way, your boys are still coming in today right?" he asked while I was walking back into my office getting ready to start the load of paperwork I'm already dreading. As soon as he asked that I turned back round wondering if he wasn't happy about the idea of my boys coming in this afternoon to chill while I finished some work. I know he said it would be fine the other day but with the mood swings Marshall goes through you never know what he is feeling.

" Um yeah they're meant to, is That still okay?" I asked panicking that Marshall has changed his mind. It's not like my boys are annoying or anything, most of the time they hang with the guys for a while before Marshall recommends that they should start their homework, since he knows how much of a hassle it is to get them to complete assignment and stay up to date with everything.

" Yeah, yeah that's fine" he replied quickly and happily after noticing the worry that has come over my face.

" I've just got something for them that's all" he replied, catching me if guard with his answer and astonishing me a little, this being the first time I've even heard about Marshall having something for my boys.

" Please don't tell me they asked for like free tickets or anything?" I asked in concern. The one thing I have made pretty clear to my boys is they can't take advantage of Marshall being Eminem or the fact that I work with the biggest rapper alive.

"What!!....Nooo, nothing like that" he said, reassuring me that the boys have never once asked for anything like that, and usually when they Hang out Eminem rarely comes up.

" You know if they did want free tickets to a concert or something or if you want me to get something. I'll be happy to do so" he added, quickly calming down and being more sincere and caring as he stood only a few feet away from me.

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