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Coldness was the only thing I could feel waking up, my toes were like ice, my hands felt like they were about to fall off, everything felt cold as I slowly allowed my eyes to flutter open.

Old white concrete ceiling was the thing I woke looking up at, defiantly not the painted decorative rose cornice I'm used to looking at as I wake up and allow my eyes adjust to the light and atmosphere.
To be honest a lot was different to my normal waking up routine, as I glance quickly around and only see white that's when I start to panic.

I lift my hand to my head as a massive pain and aching starts pounding through it, it's only now that I briefly notice the tube that's stuck down with sticky tape to the top of my hand, which makes me really start to panic and wonder where I am.
I glance from side to side and around trying to figure out where exactly I am.

" Hey you're up" I hear a guy softly say on my left side, relaxing a little I glance to my side and I'm Very surprised and confused at the same time to see Marshall sitting there on a chair facing and watching me. He seemed pretty calm like always, as his normal writing pad had been put on the little table next to him.

" What? where are...... where am I" i stumbled very confused about this whole thing. where am I? what am I doing here and why is Marshall here?
Were all the thoughts going to my head as I tried to adjust to my surroundings.

" You're in hospital, you had a fall" he explained while leaning forward and trying to comfort me and keep me calm, but when you wake up and have no idea where you are it's pretty hard to keep calm, but luckily Marshall got a nurse quickly and waited till she arrived.

" Andrea, you're awake" the nurse cheerfully said as she came into my room holding her clip board before walking over to me.

" How you feeling? " She asked just like Marshall did a few minutes ago, but all I wanted was to figure out why I'm in a hospital and how did I get here.

" Alright" I mumbled softly looking up at her and hoping to hear more answers as Marshall stood behind her watching as she looked at all the machines around me.

" Can you remember anything Andrea? " she asked, this time it was her being the curious one and wanting to know all this information and answers about where I am?, how did I get here?, Am I sore anywhere? you know all the general hospital questions.
Seeing I only had to shake my head before she realized I was still very confused about everything.

" You fainted in your bathroom, and hit your head pretty hard" the nurse answered while running all these test on me. I glance to Marshall who's standing behind her very worried and watching as she runs test hoping he can help me understand this better.

" Royce and his wife found you. They had to put you in a small induced coma because you hit your head pretty hard" he explained sincerely, sitting back down beside me and explaining what has been happening these last couple of days and why I am in the hospital.
His explanation was a lot easier to understand than the nurses, but she didn't talk much, she only listened to Marshall comforting me and explaining things while taking tubes out and getting me more comfortable.

The last thing I remember was everything going black. Waking up later it seemed more warmer than before, I opened my eyes adjusting quicker than before as I realized I had nodded of into sleep.

" You've been in and out for a while now" I heard someone comment, before glancing to my side And seeing Marshall leaning against the wall, obvisiouly he was looking out the window observing the sun trying to push through the clouds.

" How long have I been here for ?" I asked him wondering how long I've been at this dam hospital.

" Two days... ... You're on a drip because you need minerals since you body was declining them while on the medication" he explained before glancing back out the window

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