Friend not babysitter

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Jordan P.O.V

" Hey thanks for coming round, I am really sorry for ruining your night" I said sincerely as I answered the front door to Marshall. I know for a fact that his week with his girls had just ended and was probably hoping to spend some quality time alone.

" Nah man it's fine, you aren't ruining it" he replied smiling as he made his way through the front entrance. Tonight is defiantly not how I was expecting it to go and just like all the other nights it's a total chaos with unexpected problems.

" I'm guessing she isn't very well?" he asked, trying to sound calm but I can hear all the concern in his voice. I have to admit Marshall has been amazing, even though it's only been a week so far he has managed to call and keep updated on Andrea, they haven't seen each other because she keeps refusing to see him, it's not like she is angry at him or doesn't want to see him it's just I think she is a tad embarrassed and ashamed and doesn't want Marshall to see her this way.

" yeah nah she isn't good, the radiation has really hit her hard and she can barely keep her eyes opened" I answered him, feeling useless and concerned about my best friend. I hated seeing her this weak and exhausted, the last time I saw her like this was when she was only a teenager and didn't even know she had narcolepsy, she only was aware that something was extremely wrong.

" I spoke to her doctor and he is hoping it eases up these next couple of weeks as she gets used to it, but I don't know. I just wish she would take her medication" I continued, I know it's only been one week since she started radiation, I just don't think she realized how much it was actually going to affect her, even I didn't see this coming, after the surgery she was really good but now the radiation has started and she feels like shit.

" Is she still refusing it?" he asked but already knowing the answer to it. She told me she doesn't like it because it makes her feel really weird in the head, like her brain becomes active and really energetic, but her body is so exhausted from the radiation that it's tellinf her a different story ,which makes her feel really weird.

" You should head of, I'll be fine" he said seeing the way Andrea's sickness and well being has taken over my mind and making me run late for work. You see that's why I called Marshall in the first place, even though I am rostered off for the next week or so they still called and now I have to go do an emergency surgery, not to mention the fact that dan is running late from work and still hasn't picked up the boys I have no idea when he will. I know Andrea will just stress knowing they weren't getting looked after, so that's why I had to call Marshall to come over and help out.

"Okay so dinner is in the fridge but knowing the boys they won't eat it...... and ummmmm I guess you're familiar with everything else" I stayed while gathering my things and rushing out the door, well more like being shooed out by Marshall. I guess I was stressing to much and should have more faith in Marshall since he already gets along with the guys really well and knows how to handle Andrea and doesn't get pushed over by her.

Marshall P.O.V

The house was quiet after Jordan left, Andrea was asleep in her bed, Liam was was watching the footy with me while Hayden was still coming home from training.

As much as I offered Liam something to eat, he kept refusing and saying he didn't like it until I finally gave in and ordered some pizza for us knowing if I didn't the boys wouldn't eat.

" Hey I'm just going to go check up on your mum" I said quietly to Liam getting up after eating dinner and waiting for Hayden to arrive home. I know it was only still early and even though Jordan said Andrea will probably refuse to eat as well, i guess it couldn't hurt to ask, I know she probably will be starving by now, not having to Eaten since breakfast time.

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