My Baby Boy- Intro

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My little Baby Boy

I can't believe you have finally arrived, your no longer in my tummy, instead you are in your Daddy's arms sleeping peacefully beside me.

There are so many things I want to tell you, so many stories I cant wait to tell you as you grow up into a Man, but from my experiences I know that some parents don't get a chance to see their kids grow up and tell them little stories along the way.

So that's why I am starting this Diary, so I can share these little stories with you as your father and I begin to raise you here in Detroit with your older siblings and know you will read them one day, no matter what happens to your me or your father. I am not trying to put a damper on things, I just learnt that its better not to leave things unsaid and I have beautiful stories that I may never get to share in person but they are defiantly worth hearing.

But the main story I want to share with you, is probably the most important one and the most special one because If this story never happened than you wouldn't be here right now, and I wouldn't be feeling so complete, living here in this massive Mansion with your older brothers and sisters. There might be a lot of ups and downs throughout this story, but if they never happened I wouldn't be as strong as I am and I would never have imagined finally being with the love of my life and just knowing we will be together forever.

So lets begin, I want to take you back a few years ago to Feb 2010, to where I first met your father

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