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"Thank you so much for letting us stay here Cisco," Caitlin thanked as she and Cisco lifted the last of the boxes into his apartment. "I promise this will just be until I find a place for us to stay."

"It's no problem Caitlin, and honestly take your time. There's no rush. I've missed you and plus I get to see my favorite little niece every day," Cisco said as Melony ran in in front of Barry. "Hey, snowflake!" He exclaimed as she ran up into Cisco's arms.

"Uncle Cisco!"

"How was the day with Barry?" He asked her. "I'm still your favorite, right?" He jokingly whispered.

Melony giggled, "Uncle Cisco I don't have favorites," she said aloud. "But you of course," she then whispered.

Cisco laughed and smiled as he carried Mel to the kitchen, Caitlin watched as the pair walked away.

"So what did you guys do?" Caitlin asked Barry while unpacking Mel's toys.

"Well, uh we ate some Big Belly Burger for lunch, then I brought her to the park, and then I drove to the boardwalk and we got some ice cream at Happy Harbor."

Caitlin nodded her head and rose her eyebrows.

"Oh, and don't worry she just had a kiddie scoop. So her dinner isn't spoiled," Barry added.

"No, not that," Caitlin smirked.

"Then, what?" Barry asked.

"Nothing, it's just I didn't know you knew how to drive," Caitlin replied.

"Hey!" Barry smiled as he tried to act defensively. "Just because I usually just run everywhere doesn't mean I don't know how to drive."

"Okay, okay," Caitlin laughed, "sorry for assuming. I didn't even know you had a car."

"Oh, yeah I borrowed Joe's. Speaking of, if he says anything about the dent of the side don't say anything."

"Barry!" Caitlin exclaimed, laughing aloud.

"It's been a while since I've driven, beating traffic is much easier when you're going Mach 3," Barry joined in her laughter.

As the moment passed the two smiled at each other again.

"I've missed this," Barry said.

"Me too," Caitlin replied.

The stared at each other in silence for a moment smiling. They were both so happy to have their best friend back.

"So Joe is hosting another group dinner tonight if you wanted to come after unpacking. I thought it would be a good idea to introduce Melony to everyone," Barry said, breaking the silence.

"Sounds like a great idea," Caitlin replied, opening up another box. "See you then, I guess."

"Yeah, see you later," Barry replied, before leaving.


Caitlin sat back on the couch, letting out a sigh of relief as she finally finished unpacking. It was already evening and she would have to head over to Joe's soon.

Cisco walked around the couch from the kitchen and handed Caitlin a glass of water.

"Mel is taking a quick nap before we go and I already made a space for all her clothes and toys," he said, sitting down.

"Thank you, Cisco," she said taking a sip of her water.

"So, how are you doing?"


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