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After talking to one of the doctors and getting some pain meds, Caitlin was discharged. Barry had to push her in a wheelchair, while Ramona held Melony. When the got to the apartment, Barry laid Caitlin down on the couch.

"I'll go get some blankets and pillows from your room," Ramona said, handing Barry Melony, and leaving.

"Oh, okay," Barry said as he was handed Melony.

"Try not to drop her," Caitlin grinned.

"Yeah, I know," Barry replied, "I've just never held a baby let alone a full-grown kid before..."

"Here let me help," Caitlin said, slowly adjusting herself and adjusting Barry's hands to hold Melony less awkwardly. "Here."

"Thanks," he replied.

A few moments passed and Caitlin just watched Barry, wondering what he was thinking. He looked happy, and he was.

Holding Melony's chest against him, he felt her exhale and inhale softly against his chest and the light beat of her heart. Her dark brown hair, which resembled his, smelt like strawberry sauve children's shampoo. Her small arms barely wrapping behind him made his heart feel warm.

"You know she is a lot like the both of you," Caitlin said, "same hair, exact eyes, and she loves to sing along to the radio."

"Good thing she didn't inherit your musical talents," Barry joked, and they shared a laugh.

She sighed, "what happened to us. We all use to be best friends."

"A lot of things," Barry sighed, slowly setting down Melony on the couch beside Caitlin, trying to not wake her. "And I'm sorry for it all."

"I'm sorry for everything too," Caitlin replied.

"Let's just make a deal to stop saying sorry to each other."

"Deal," Caitlin smiled.

"And can we make another?"

Caitlin turned her head at Barry, "about what?"

"I'm not going to force you to come back to Central City. I was wrong to force you to do anything. It is your life and your choice. But I will say that I think you should. The whole team wants you to. And if you do, I want you to know both you and Mel have a place. It's never going to be completely safe, but I promise all of us will work as hard as hell to protect each other. We're a family."

Caitlin nodded her head, "alright deal, but one more thing, and I don't think you'll like it."

"I don't care, just anything to have the team back together."

"I don't want Mel to know about her real parentage yet. She's still very young and all of that... it's all VERY messy. I don't want her to have to deal with all that yet. Plus it would make things less problematic with you and Iris and your future kids."

"Woah, Caitlin doesn't get ahead of yourself there," Barry joked. "Iris and I are still trying to make things work with taking care of McSnurtle the turtle."

Caitlin tried to contain her laugh so that her ribs wouldn't hurt. "Okay... deal?"

Barry paused to think for a bit, and slowly replied. "Sure."


Over the next few days, Barry would run over to check on Caitlin and pick Melony up from school for her. Ramona thought it was weird how fast Barry could get to Midway from Central City but decided not to suspect anything of it.

Melony began to get along with her mom's old friends, in those days. They would sing along to show tunes in the car together.

When Caitlin did finally recover, she made the decision to return to Central City.

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