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"So what happened?" Cisco asked as they waited for the train. They had told Barry they were going to visit Cisco's family, and that Caitlin was there to help Cisco feel less of an outsider as well as look at little Cisco pictures.

"He thinks that outburst was about Ronnie," Caitlin replied.

"And it wasn't. Right?"

"Yes. I'll always love and miss Ronnie but... we just were never meant to live a life together. It was an unfortunate fate. But I still wouldn't change it for a thing."

"So he doesn't know..." Cisco trailed off.

"Yes, Cisco," she sighed. " Barry still doesn't know about me and Savitar..." Caitlin groaned in frustration, "Ugh, why does it have to be like this..."

"Hey, if fate let you love Ronnie, then Savitar is no different. Fate gave you Melony, right?" Cisco assured her.

"She's going to be so lucky to have you," Caitlin smiled at his response.

Cisco smirked, and replied jokingly, "who wouldn't."

The train then arrived and they awaited their arrival in Midway.


"Hey, I'm back," Caitlin announced as she entered the apartment. "I brought a friend from Central City."

"Hey, guys," Ramona walked in holding little one year old Mel's hands up, supporting her as she waddled in front of her. She was wearing a birthday hat and smiling brightly when she saw her mom.

Ramona helped Mel over to Caitlin and she picked her up to meet with Cisco.

"Hi birthday girl," Caitlin smiled at her sweet baby girl. She smiled back, wrapping her arms around her mother's neck, nuzzling her face into her shoulder. Caitlin faced Cisco, "I have a present for you," she said making Mel look up. "This is your Uncle Cisco."

"Hi Mel," Cisco said happily. He was only shocked at how much of a mixed she was of Caitlin and Barry. "I have a gift for you," he said, pulling something out of the gift bag he helled.

Cisco pulled out a teddy bear, wearing a Vibe jacket and glasses.

"You like it?"

Mel smiled and reached her hands out for it, Cisco them complied and she took the bear and squeezed it.

"I'll take that as a yes then, I guess," Cisco laughed.

"What do you say, Mel?" Caitlin said.

"Thank you Uncle Cisco," Melony said, her voice muffled by the bear she was strangling.

Cisco pouted his lips, in a a adorable *awe moment.*

"Ramona, this is my friend from Central City, Cisco Ramon," Caitlin informed. "Cisco this is my friend, Ramona."

Ramona jokingly scoffed as she held out her hand for Cisco to shake, "she means best friend."

"I think you're referring to me," Cisco joked back.

"Guy's, don't be ridiculous," Caitlin intervened, laughing.

Melony, squirmed in Caitlin's arms.

"Alright, I think someone wants her birthday cake," Caitlin said.

"Let's start the celebration!" Ramona said, heading towards the fridge.


After having cake and then spending the rest of the day around Midway City, the party of four returned to the apartment. Melony was exhausted after a fun long day and Caitlin went to set her down.

"She's so amazing," Cisco said, as he and Ramona waited for Caitlin to return. "I can't believe how much she is like Caitlin."

"Yeah," Ramona replied. "So how long have you known Caitlin?"

"Probably, a little more than five years now. We met when we worked on the Particle Accelerator together. How about you?"

"Probably around fifteen now. We went to school together."

"Oh dang, you win," Cisco joked.

Ramona let out a small laugh, "there's nothing to win. Caitlin has told me about you, you seem like a really good friend."

"Thanks," Cisco smiled.

Caitlin then came back into the room.

"Okay, what do we have planned for tonight?" She asked.

"All the glasses of wine we can drink until the morning, or until we are just enough drunk so we don't wake up Mel," Ramona announced, as she headed for the cupboard for the wine.

Cisco leaned over to Caitlin, and said, "Ramona is a really nice, huh."

"Yeah, she's the best," Caitlin replied, clueless.

"You know if she like seeing someone, or..." Cisco continued.

Caitlin smirked. "Yeah, she is," she responded, gaining a sad pout from Cisco. "She's with her girlfriend, Dana."

"Oh," Cisco then replied.

Caitlin smiled and shook her head.

"I'm at least glad you like her," Caitlin pat his back and went over to Ramona to help with grabbing the wine glasses.


So, how was it?

I finally updated!!
Sorry, it's been so long and this chapter is so short. My schedule lately has been crazy. Also, has anyone else been experiencing annoyings lags or glitches on Wattpad?

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