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"Who's Melony?" Cisco repeated.

"C-cisco," Caitlin stuttered.

"Who is she, Caitlin?" Cisco asked more sternly.

"She's," Caitlin hesitated for a second. "She's my daughter..." Caitlin admitted, sobbing on the pull out bed.

Returning to his typical, kind, friendly tone, Cisco went to her comfort. "Gosh, Caitlin. What happened this past year?"

"A lot Cisco," Caitlin replied, trying to calm her tears. "A lot of crap."

As mad as Cisco was that she didn't tell him immediately, he hated seeing his best friend like this. But he also wanted an explanation.

(Note: not gonna write this out just to speed things up. But basically, Caitlin tells Cisco everything. Her relationship with Savitar, how he made her feel loved when she felt she wasn't and how he made her embrace true herself. Then about her finding out she was pregnant, then the crap she went through after Savitar died. The trauma and the heartache. Moving in with Ramona, the job at the bar [though, she left out the part of her working as a part time hitman as Killerfrost]. Then about Melony. How she was Caitlin's last connection with Savitar. How hard it had been being a single mother, after she lost another relationship and her friends. How hard it was to just think about coming back.)

Cisco sat back astonished by Caitlin's story. He had so many questions circling his head, so much confusion and concern.

His first questioned he had to ask, since it determined the status of the whole friend group, was, "Savitar-... Barry-... do you love Barr-," Cisco stuttered but was soon cut short by Caitlin.

"God no," Caitlin quickly responded trying not to sound like she was dissing Barry. "They were technically the same person, genetically, but Savitar was nothing like Barry. He paid attention to me, he knew how I felt even when I didn't want him to know, he always went out of his way to make me feel... worth something. Not just some sad ice powered widow, terrified of what kind of future she faced. I love, I loved, Savitar, not Barry."

"Okay," Cisco nodded, "that makes things slightly less problematic."

Really, it didn't...

"But why didn't you come to us, with Melony?" Cisco asked, sincerely.

"I was scared Cisco, HR had just died, I was pretty sure you all hated me. I didn't know how Barry or Iris would react to me and Savitar. Plus, I guess... at first I didn't want you all to find out about Melony. Central City is a dangerous place and everything that I've had to do with help saving it, Ronnie, Jay, Killerfrost, has just ended up with me in pain. I don't want that for my kid, Cisco."

"So were you not going to tell us, after this surprise heartwarming homecoming?" Cisco asked. "Why are you here, Caitlin?"

"I missed you guys," Caitlin responded. "As much as I know I screwed up, I missed my friends, Cisco. And also, I felt guilty. I truthfully, I don't think I was planning to tell you guys. I was scared, Cisco. I have been for a year, and especially those nine months. And I'm still scared. Having someone who's life solely depends on me... is the most terrifying but amazing thing ever."

Cisco nodded, he was saddened from what had gone through. Although he wished she he didn't have to vibe it to find out, he understood her.

"Are you going to tell the rest of the team?" Cisco asked.

"I can't Cisco..." Caitlin sighed.

"How about Barry? I'm sure he'll understand."

"I can't Cisco," Caitlin repeated. "We both know Barry, he'll think it's somehow all his fault and try to fix everything on his own. He's not Melony's father, Cisco, Savitar is, and he doesn't have to be. Having his attention pulled away from the wedding right now might cause drama too. Also, I don't think I want Melony to come to Central City, if not never at least not when she's so young. It's too dangerous but that's probably something Barry would insist on."

Cisco shook his head understandably, again.

"Promise me you won't tell him or anyone, not until I'm ready. If not for me, then for Melony. Please, Cisco," Caitlin begged.

"I promise," Cisco replied. As much as he would've preferred not to keep secrets, he understood why Caitlin would ask such a thing. He's never seen Caitlin love someone so much, even with Ronnie. And if Melony was so important to his best friend, she was important to him too.

"What's she like?" Cisco asked, diverting the conversation to a lighter mood.

Caitlin smiled and wiped her wet face. "An angel, really. She's five months, almost six. She looks a lot like me, only with Savi-..Barry's dark hair and green eyes."

"Sounds beautiful," Cisco commented.

"Her full name is Melony Veronica Snow," Caitlin said.

"Vernonica.." Cisco smiled at.

"The name Ronnie always said that was what he wanted to name his daughter," Caitlin smiled.

"I always thought that was a bit conceited, but it's a beautiful name," Cisco let out a small laugh and Caitlin joined.

The two best friends talked for the rest of the night, till both fell asleep on the futon. They caught each other up about the past year, Caitlin sisterly teasing Cisco about his love life, as well as they talked about the good times when building the particle accelerator. The both of them, Ronnie, pre-Reverse Flash Wells, and even Hartley, in the labs, working, talking, and making memories. But still, Caitlin couldn't stop thinking about Melony in the back of her head, and if she was okay back home. As well as what consequences would happen if the truth came out.

Well... how was it?

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