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"Gah, there's no use!" Barry grunted in frustration as he slid down the wall of the time vault. He was still trying to figure out the events that lead up the headline but had gotten nowhere.

"Gideon, show me anything about Melony Snow or Khione that you haven't already."

Gideon pulled up another list of articles about Khione and Flash saving the city, and one of her disappearing.

"I said the ones that I haven't already seen."

"You have seen all the records I have, Barry Allen," the AI voice replied.

"Then search again."

"I have, 10384721 times."

Barry groaned in frustration, "how could this happen?"

"Well, her betrayal was probably brought upon by her mother's unfortunate death," the AI interrupted.

"What?" Barry questioned, getting back up. "Gideon, show me future records of Caitlin Snow or Killer Frost."

Gideon then showed Barry an article with the headline: "Hero Fallen; Killer Frost Dies in Battle"

"What? No... he's gone, we defeated him..." Barry panicked. "Gideon search for anything else."

"That is all there is Mr. Allen."

"No, I have to fix this..." Barry thought to himself. He read the date on the byline. March 28, 2039.

Tanhauser Laboratories

"Okay, so according to the blood tests and dark matter readings, Mel's powers are clearly very powerful especially for her size and age," Carla read off the report. "So what I'd say is that keep that power dampener on, but as you start to teach her to use her powers weaken the dampener a bit as she gets older. That way she learns to control it little by little and there won't be any more outbursts. I can send her necklace to my tech guy and he'll have it back before you have to leave."

"Thank you," Caitlin replied.

"No problem, Caitlin," Carla responded, "but you have to promise me my next visit won't be 6 years from now."

Caitlin rolled her eyes and grinned. "Yes, of course. I was thinking a trip to Nana's could be our new bi-weekly mommy-daughter trip."

"I'd love that," Carla smiled.

Back at Star Labs

"Whoa! Hey dude what are you doing?" Cisco said as he walked into one of the storage rooms, finding it completely unorganized and Barry throwing things around.

"I'm looking for the tachyon enhancer," he replied, digging through a box.

"Why? There's no evil speedster to race against," Cisco replied.

"I'm just working some of my own experiments, its nothing," Barry replied. He really needed the tachyon enhancer so he could get a speed boost so time traveling would be a bit easier.

"Oh, do you need any help?-" Cisco started before Barry quickly cut him off.

"No! I mean, no it's okay. It's just a simple experiment, doesn't really require any help."

"Okay... I guess," Cisco replied, confused, before walking back to his workshop.


A Few Days Later (Caitlin is back, but Barry hasn't spoken a word to her)

"Alright, yeah I'll pick you up at the station. See you soon, Ramona. Bye," Caitlin said as she got off the phone with her former roommate. Their med school class reunion was coming up and they planned to go together.

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