Chapter 35: How To Get Out Of It:

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Hello lovelies, before we start this, *cue shameless self promoting* I want to tell you about my new account @EscapingSouls hopefully you'll check it out if you have time. Dedication goes to the first one to comment on my story, Gas Station on that account!

Summer's clothes up there ^

Chapter 35: How To Get Out Of It:

Being stuck in the friendzone is something many of us passed through, and we can all agree that it's not our best experience, for having to bottle such strong feelings does not end well all the time. But in my opinion, once we get stuck there, first thing we should do is try to get out of it, for we deserve someone to be there for us, even if it wasn't the person who put us in the friendship zone in the first place.

Something I admired about Alex is how he never makes you feel awkward or unwanted, even in embarrassing situations.

"So, what do you say about a date? Tomorrow, 10pm?" He asked quite breathlessly.

"I could be very cheesy and kiss you then say 'does that answer your question', but-"

He interrupted my sentence with his lips, kissing me again for few seconds then pulling away, "Just say yes."

"That was rude, Alex Stone, I-"

Again, he interrupted my sentence by kissing me -not that I was complaining- but still.

"Is that a yes?" he smiled.

"Yes," I rolled my eyes, blushing like a tomato.


"That smile has been on her face since yesterday and it's creeping the hell out of me," Drew muttered to Bella.

"Leave her be," she nudged him.

I smiled at my best friend, silently thanking her, but then I noticed the look in her eyes, clearly telling me that I'd have to spill the beans later on. But really there was nothing to spill.

Who am I kidding?

"How's Theo?" Drew asked her, changing the subject.

I tuned out of their conversation as my leg started bouncing up and down, I was thinking about the date, what I was going to wear, where he'd possibly take me, and most importantly, how it will go. I was itching to text Alex and demand answers but we already agreed the previous day to not text the other the whole day except right before the date, just for the hell of it.

I was already regretting coming up with that idea.

I tuned in their conversation just in time to hear Bella say, "-Right, Summer?"

Oh, crap.

"Right," I nervously chuckled earning a weird glance from the both of them.

"Do you have any idea to what you just agreed on?" Drew raised his eyebrow.

I felt the colors drain from my face and the nervousness double, who knows what these two weirdos were talking about?

"You just agreed to introduce Alex to your mum and dad," Bella smirked evilly at me.

"WHAT?!" I jumped out of my seat and started pacing around the room, "Why would I even do that? Alex and I are only friends, I mean yeah maybe we kissed once or twice and we might have a date tonight but I am not gonna introduce him to Mum and Dad. Like, I know I already met his whole family but it's not like we're boyfriend and girlfriend, not that I don't want that or anything, because I do. Crap, did I just-"


I stopped my rant and stood in one place, looking at Drew and Bella's smug faces, "And that's how you find out what's wrong with Summer."

I blushed as I cursed them under my breath, "Really, guys?"

"Really," Bella chuckled at me.

"So a date with Alex, yeah?" Drew smirked.

I blushed as I nodded, "Yeah, tonight."

"Is he coming to pick you up?" Drew smirked.

"Nope, no, nada," I shook my head. No way am I going to let Drew anywhere near Alex before our 123213894th date.

Okay, that's an exaggeration.

Ignoring Drew's answer, Bel turned towards me, "You do realize we were only kidding about introducing Alex to your parents, right?"

I shrugged, "Even if you weren't, doesn't mean I would do as you say."

"That's not nice," Drew pouted, "Which actually reminds me that I need to tell you something."

I furrowed my eyebrows, hoping it wasn't something bad, or-

"When two people like each other-"

"DREW REYNOLDS RYDER!" Bel and I shouted at the same time, both not wanting to hear my twin talking about that.

The glare he shot us was enough to make us sit right back down, "You. are. gonna. hear. this. Summer Rain Ryder."

I grimaced at my full name, then looked at my best friend for help but the little traitor was already on her feet, slowly backing out of the living room. I facepalmed at her, "Get back here you evil traitor!"

"Nope, not my problem, bye bye!"

And thus, the great Summer Ryder was left all alone with Satan.

"So, like I was saying before being rudely interrupted," he shot me a pointed look, "When two people like each other and go on dates..."

I groaned as I hid my face in my hands, this is not happening.

"...and when they do that, it leads-"

"-OH MY GOD! Would you look at that!" I held up my phone, " Selly just texted me, it's an emergency, I've gotta run!"

And then I fled out of the living room, not even bothering the fact that I did not know a Selly.


As I brushed the invisible dust off of my light blue skirt, I sent a silent thank you to my imaginary Selly for saving me from the horror that was sure to come. Then made sure my hair was okay, as I breathed in slowly, trying to shake the nervousness off.

I paced back in forth in my room, trying to delay it as much as I could but the buzz from my phone came and announced the one awaited text.

I hope you're not having second thoughts.

I laughed at that, that's how you used your one text, Alex?

I thought about my one text I was allowed to send. I wanted to ask where we were going after we meet at Small Sit, if we were going to stay and have dinner there, or if what I was wearing was okay.

But then that all didn't matter as I reminded myself where I was going and with who.

And miss some Winnie The Pooh quotes? No way in hell.

And without even having to be told, I knew that somewhere not far from Small Sit, a blond haired guy is looking down at his phone and grinning hard because of a text.

Surprise, surprise.


Questions of the chapter:

1. Should I end it here? Just add an epilogue?

2. Where are you from? Which state?

3. Anybody know BTL (writing competition)?

Song up ^^^ is Ultraviolet by Stiff Dylans

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