Chapter 8: Stalker, Stalker:

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Hello there, today is may 18th which means, it's time for a brand new chapter =)

By the way, when Alex & Summer are exchanging message, do you prefer the form "Me/Him'' or "From him/To him'' ?

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Chapter 8: Stalker, Stalker:

When the morning came, the last thing I wanted to do was getting up, but I knew I had to, I was not letting some jerk fool my best friend.


The doorbell rung. Who would come at this early time? I looked at my clock which was on my bedside table.

8:57 AM.

I quickly shot up from bed, I shouldn't have slept that much. I quickly went downstairs in order to open up the door, not bothering to fix my hair or change my pajamas.

"Nice clothes," was the first thing Jay said to me when I opened the front door.

I totally forgot that we were supposed to meet at my house and go spying on Josh, "Sorry for not being ready, just give me few minutes so I can change."

Jay made his way towards the kitchen as usual, "By the way, Drew is coming home next week," I told him as I mad my way upstairs, not hearing what he said.

After finishing fixing my hair and dressing up, I returned downstairs, where Jay was, watching T.V.

"I am done, I am just going to grab something to eat and then we'll be off," I told him as I made my way to the kitchen.

After 10 minutes, Jay and I were in his car, on our way to Josh's.

"Okay, so the plan is we go after him and see if he meets up with that blond again, then we get an evidence of them being in a relationship, we take a photo or video tape them kissing, if they do," I said.

"And if he really was going with his family?" Jay asked.

"I don't think he is, but if he did, then we'll have to spy on him another day, and let's hope they kiss, or do anything that shows they are in a relationship," I answered, hoping from the bottom of my heart we could prove to Bella that Josh wasn't who she thought he was.

I knew Josh was a cheater, Jay would never lie to me, he is always sincere towards me. I didn't doubt him.

When we got to Josh's house, we parked on the other side of the road, his car was still in the garage. We didn't get out of the car, we sat and waited.

"Hey Jay, where was Josh when you saw him with that blond?" I asked Jay out of the blue.

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