Chapter 28: Promise? Promise.:

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And by the way, I changed the summary, tell me what you think please.

Dedicated to a fan who was staying up late when I updated, hope it is worth it!

Chapter 28:Promise? Promise.:

I was really scared, and for many reasons too.

"LEAH!" Alex shouted, hurrying towards Leah's un-moving, covered in bruises body.

"What happened?" I asked Drew, -who was standing near the entrance of the living room- shakily, as Alex knelt in front of the couch Leah was laying on.

"I don't know, I was just taking a walk and found her passed out, I didn't know what to do so I just brought her here because I didn't have a car to take her to the hospital and couldn't find a cab fast," Drew explained, also shaking a bit.


Scared was an understatement. First, Leah was still unconscious. Second, Charles was still after Leah, and who knew what he'd do next. Third, Leah didn't really want Alex or anyone to find out about it. Fourth, I knew and I didn't tell Alex. And he's going to be so mad at me. Fifth, Alex was panicking and it was the first time I ever saw him so out of it. Sixth, it was my fault.

Alex was still trying to wake Leah up, when he turned towards me, "Who's Charles?"

I said that out loud?! I'm in deep trouble.

"I'll tell you later," I told him, brushing it off as it was no big deal. It wasn't even my place to tell. Instead of saying anything more, I knelt down beside him, ignoring his and Drew's confused looks, because, one, neither of them knew the other, two, they didn't know a Charles, and three, they didn't know what happened to Leah.

"We should take her to the hospital," Drew said, making Alex turn towards him, again reminding them both that they didn't know each other.

And then they spoke at the same time.

"Are you Leah's boyfriend?"

"Are you Summer's boyfriend?"

The most embarrassing thing they could say.

"No time for introductions," I said, cheeks heating up slightly, "Leah, Leah, come on, wake up," I shook her shoulders.

"It's no use, we need to get her to the hospital," Alex sighed, panicking.

"She's beginning to wake up," I told him as I noticed Leah moving a little.

"Leah, Leah, can you hear me?" Drew rushed to her side too, trying to wake her up fast.

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