Chapter 15: Don't Worry, Don't Be Nervous, Go For It:

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Bleh, I am not good with romantic scenes.

Chapter 15: Don't Worry, Don't Be Nervous, Go For It:

I was sitting two tables away from Marylise and Parker -close enough to hear everything they were saying- it was 8 and they had just arrived. Like I promised Parker, I was going to film the entire thing as soon as he gave me a sign, which was a kiss on Marylise's cheek.

Marylise is beautiful, shoulder-length brown hair and brown eyes. She and Parker are perfect for each other.

The restaurant was elegant, decorated with small flower, Parker and Marylise were sitting in the center, under a small lamp, and they had candles lighten on their table.

"What can I get you ma'am?" a waitress asked.

It was impolite to sit in a restaurant without ordering anything so I ordered a simple thing and sat there, waiting for Parker's sign.

Half hour later, Parker finally kissed Marylise's cheek. I quickly held the camera Parker gave me and started recording them, glad that Marylise's back was to me.

He stood up, "Anything wrong?" Marylise asked him.

He didn't answer, instead, he knelt down on one knee, the ring box in his hands. He opened the box and said, "Marylise, I've known you for my whole life, we've been dating for three years, three years and I wouldn't change a thing. I love you so much and I truly hope you could yes and make me the happiest man alive. Will you marry me?"

That could've happened to me and Seb.

Stop thinking about him.

Everyone in the restaurant went quiet, waiting for Marylise's answer. "Yes! A hundred times yes!" Marylise exclaimed.

Everybody clapped and I would have too but I was holding the camera. Parker slipped the ring in Marylise's finger. He was smiling from ear to ear, just like Marylise.

I stopped filming, waited till they were done kissing and receiving 'Congrats' from some people in the restaurant and went closer to them.

"Hello," I smiled, "Congrats."

"Thank you," Parker smiled and hugged me while explained to Marylise who I was."Here," I gave them the camera.

After talking for a bit, I bid them good bye and left home. It was 9 and I had work the next day early so I had to sleep early.

Arriving home, Drew and Maxim were in the kitchen, "Where have you been?"

Then, I explained to them where I was and what I did. After that I went to my room, ready to sleep, but I checked my phone first.

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