Chapter 20: Kidnapping:

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I bet no one saw that one coming =P I hope you don't hate me for that cliffhanger. THEY MET *le me dances around the room* *le bumps toe with table* *le cries*.

Chapter 20: Kidnapping:

My heart was beating fast, my head was a messy jungle and my breath got caught in my lungs.

Alex made his way to Ben's bed and talked with him. I stood away, listening to their conversation and staring at Alex. From the corner of my eye, I saw Leah looking between Alex and I, seemed she noticed that we, no I, because Alex didn't notice me at first, just saw him for the first time.

Alex is not perfect, he's not 'sexy', he's not a God or whatever, Alex's simply beautiful.

Alex has a blond hair, it's a bit long, his blue eyes are piercing, he's tall and he's sitting just few meters away.

Fast heartbeat? Check. Difficult breathing? Check. Messy head? Check.

"Guys, I'm 23 for God's sake, why did you all come? Besides, how did you even get here that fast?" asked Ben, making me stop staring at Alex.

I am actually wondering the same.

"Your mum and I happened to be in the hospital with Leah, visiting some good old friends," his father answered.

"Our company is across the road," Alex told him in a 'duh' tone.

My heartbeat kind of calmed down, but then my heart nearly got out of it's place when Alex asked, "Who hit you?"

Ben pointed at me, and soon, 4 pairs of eyes were fixed on me.

"That'd be me," I smiled nervously and as I opened my mouth to apologize, Ben cut me off, "If you say sorry one more time, I'm throwing my water cup at you," Ben jokingly threatened.

"Summer? What a coincidence," Maria smiled as she took few steps towards me and shook my hand.

"Sorry about worrying you," I told her while scratching the back of my neck.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Alex watching me, "Yes, you idiot, it's your Summer," Leah said as she slapped him on the head.

Your Summer.

I chuckled as Alex's eyes widened. He quickly stood up and crashed me in hug, "SUMMER!"

I was so surprised and in that instant, the thoughts about the fight with Drew did not completely vanish, no, but somehow I felt it was going to be okay. The hug was so warm that I felt kind of safe.

We pulled away as he smiled from ear to ear, "Hi."

"Hello," I chuckled.

Ben cleared his throat and we turned to face him, "Ben, this is Summer," Alex said.

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