Chapter Thirty-Three: Where Are They?

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              The following morning Lily woke up early like she normally had ever since she was a young child. She let out a big yawn, stretching her arms above her head. "Hails, it's time to wake up to the worst day of our lives." Lily said aloud as she turned to wake her sister, but noticed Hailey wasn't there. 'That's odd.' Normally, Lily had to threaten to wake her sister up with a bucket of cold water. 

        She made her way out into the hallway, and gently knocked on the bathroom door. "Hailey?" No answer.

         'Maybe she's in mum's room.' Lily thought to herself casually as she made her way to her mother's room down the hall. She knocked softly on the door, calling out to her mother, "Mum, are you awake?" Lily asked. Again, no answer. "Mum?" She asked as she pushed the door open, fear gnawing at her as she gazed upon her mother's deserted room. "Mum!" Lily called loudly, her heart skipping a beat as she raced downstairs and searched the kitchen, dining room, and living room. Her mother and sister were nowhere to be found.

         Panic began to set within her. She dashed up the stairs, calling out to her father. "Dad! Dad! Dad!" Lily threw the door open and went to her father's side, violently shaking him awake. "Dad wake up! Wake up, its an emergency!"

         Harry jolted upright, turning his attention towards his daughter who looked as if she was about to have a panic attack. "Lily, what's the big emergency?" Harry asked worriedly. Was it Hailey? Hermione? Were they hurt?

        "Dad, mum and Hailey are gone!" She cried out, letting the dam behind her eyes break loose.

       "Sweetheart, what do you mean they're gone?"

        "Exactly what I mean! I've searched this whole bloody house and there's not a single trace of them!" Harry pulled his daughter into his arms as she sobbed uncontrollably.

        "Shh, sweetheart calm down. Listen to me alright? I will go to Ron and Luna's to see if your mum and Hailey might have gone over there a little early to prepare for the wedding. Is that alright?" Harry asked his weeping daughter. Lily nodded her head in agreement. Harry sat her on his bed before making his way to the fireplace, disappearing into the green flames.

        "Ron! Luna! Hermione! Hailey!" Harry called out as he stepped out of his best mates fireplace, ignoring the soot on his clothing.

        "Harry, what's the matter?" Luna asked him as she descended the staircase in her nightgown, Ron following suit.

       "What's going on mate? We weren't expecting you for another three hours."

       " Are Hermione and Hailey here?" Harry asked frantically as his eyes scanned for any sign of his daughter or ex-wife.

      "No, we haven't seen them in a couple days." Luna told him as she started to worry for her friend.

       "What's going on Harry? Did you and Hermione have a row or something?" Ron asked him curiously.

         "Not at all. We talked for a couple of moments last night before I came here, everything was fine. Lily damn near had a panic attack because she can't find them." Harry told them as he paced the floor. A door closed suddenly as the patter of footsteps were heard descending the staircase once more. Harry looked up to see Ginny and Draco standing at the bottom of the stairs.

         "What's going on? Did Harry just say that Hermione and Hailey are missing?" Ginny asked anxiously. She and her husband, along with Jenna, decided to stay the night with her brother so everyone could get ready together for the wedding.

        "Unfortunately, Gin." Ron confirmed.

         "Do you know where they could have gone?" Draco asked Harry. Harry wasn't sure what to say. He didn't think he'd have to go through this again, not now that everything was becoming normal once more between him and Hermione.

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