Chapter Nineteen-Why Did She Leave?

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       "What the bloody hell do you mean he's getting married? To who?" Lily asked, her face flushing as anger began to come over her.

          "Lilah," Hailey told her sister, rolling her eyes in disgust. "And let me tell you, she's not subtle about the engagement either. We spent some time at Nana Weasley's today playing Quidditch and having a family dinner and all Lilah could talk about was how big her ring was, and how much dad had spent on it."

        "He's marrying that twit?!" Lily shouted as she slammed her fist onto the table. She looked over her shoulder to see if her mother had come back from Ms. Jenkins' yet. 'Still not back, thank Merlin.'

          "Unfortunately. I have the sense she's not one for children is she?"

         "That's putting it lightly. She is constantly putting on a show for dad, telling him how much she's missed me while she's been away in another country with her filthy rich parents, always trying sit between dad and me when we are watching a show on tv. But as soon as he leaves to run an errand, she becomes the devil himself." Lily explained as her eyes darkened. Lilah was always trying to find a way to get her father's attention, especially when he spent his time with Lily.

        "I can tell there's something off about her. Yesterday while we were over at the Weasley's, she would send me snooty looks any chance she got as if she was jealous of my existence."

       "I wouldn't put it past her. To be frank, I'm honestly surprised dad's stayed with her this long. I just can't wrack my brain around what he sees in her."

         "Maybe dad thought you needed a mom in your life?" Hailey suggested.

        "She will never  be my mum." Lily told her sister through gritted teeth.

         "I know, I'm just trying to understand dad a little you know? Trying to think of a logical reason why he would want to get married since they've only been together for less than a year."

       "So what do we do now? This throws our plan completely off course." Lily said, shaking her head.

       "Well I think you should get mom to talk about dad and possibly tell her the truth?" Hailey replied as she bit the bottom of her lip.

      "Are you mad! The last time I even mentioned the word 'dad', Mum practically bit my head off. And as for telling her the truth, that could affect everything!"

       "Not if we only tell her the half-truth." Hailey smirked.

       "And how do you suppose we do that?"

       "Just give it a few days. Keep up the charade of being me and getting to know her as we planned, I'll do the same with dad. Once the few days are up, just gently explain to her that you and I met at camp and we wanted to take the time to get to know the parent that we'd lost. Mom might freak out just a little but she'll calm down eventually. Then, casually explain to her that you've been in contact with dad and how he really wants to see her again along with switching the two of us back."

             Lily listened carefully to what her sister was explaining. Could the change in the plan actually work? Would their mother really be so understanding and be willing to talk about the past she so easily gave up ten years ago? Millions of scenarios going wrong ran through Lily's mind. Lily took a long, deep breath as she closed her warm, brown eyes. Instead of picturing everything going wrong, she saw her parents looking at one another with longing. How brightly her dad's smile would be once he saw his ex-wife back home where she belonged.

       'This was all your plan, to begin with Potter.' Lily mentally chastised herself. 'Don't let that twit Lilah stand in the way of reuniting your parents.'

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