Chapter Nine-Kings Cross

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                                 Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter :)

          "Hailey, are you ready to go?" Hermione called to her daughter who had spent the majority of the night packing the rest of her belongings.

        "Yes, Mom." Hailey called back as she finished packing the last of the books her mother had bought her last week. Once she finished, she picked up her two pink suitcases and headed downstairs to meet her mother and grandparents.

         "I can't believe you're already headed off to camp." Karen Granger told Hailey as she pulled her into a bone crushing hug. "It seems as though it was yesterday when we were dropping your mother off at King's Cross."

            "Karen, love why don't you let her breathe for a moment?" Roger chuckled. He was going to miss having Hailey around. They had so much fun this week, taking Hailey on tours of the Tower of London, Kew Gardens, the Palace of Westminster, Westminster Abbey, and St. Margaret's Church, all of which are located in the World Heritage Sites. It wasn't too often his daughter and granddaughter came back to England, which he couldn't blame his daughter for. 

             Sure, she and Harry didn't have the best marriage with Harry constantly working, but he knew Harry loved his daughter. He didn't fully approve of Hermione leaving Harry and Lily behind without at least getting counseling, but it was Hermione's choice. He wished he could see what Lily looked like now. The last time he and Karen saw Lily was the week before Hermione decided to end things with Harry. Many times Roger felt like contacting his former son-in-law to see how he and his granddaughter were doing, but Karen told him it would be a bad idea. Roger shook all thoughts of Harry and Lily out of his mind as Hailey walked over and gave him a big hug.

           "I'm going to miss you, Papa. Thank you for taking me on those wonderful adventures." Hailey said as she planted a kiss on her papa's cheek.

             "The pleasure is all mine, dear. You're about to embark on new adventures here shortly." Roger told his granddaughter before he walked into the dining room to retrieve a gift for Hailey. "Your Nana and I decided you should have something to capture the memories you have while at camp." He told her as he handed her a Kodak refillable camera that came with two rolls of film.

      "Thank you both so much!" Hailey cried out as she ran back to her grandparents and gave them each one last hug and kiss goodbye. After Hailey and Hermione were done saying their goodbye's, Hermione and Hailey put their belongings in the cab and hopped into the back seat, anxiously waiting to arrive at King's Cross.

          Potter Manor, Godric's Hollow, West Country, England, Great Britain

         "Lily are you ready yet?" Harry asked as he knocked on Lily's door, while his daughter was rushing around, trying to put things into her bag.

        "Not really." Lily replied as she shoved a shirt in one of her bags.

        "What do you mean not really?" Harry asked, but when he walked into her room he got his answer. Lily's room was a mess! There were clothes and books scattered across her bedroom floor, closet, even her bed.

          "Bit of a late packer, are we?" Harry joked as he helped his daughter pack all of her things neatly.

           "Just a bit." Lily replied as she folded a pair of pants and stuck them into her blue bag.

          "So, are you ready to leave for camp today?" Harry asked Lily as he continued to help her pack.

          "Kind of."

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