Chapter Twenty-Seven: Phase One Complete

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             Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter :)

        "Merlin's beard! There's two of them?" Lilah shrieked as her hands flew up to her mouth.

           'It was already bad enough to get Harry's attention with one!

          "Yeah. Did I forget to mention that Lily had a twin?" Harry asked sheepishly as he ran a hand through his unruly and wet, jet black hair.

        "Yes, you certainly let that bit of information slide." Lilah spat as she glared at Harry, her nostrils flaring. She was utterly pissed at the fact he omitted to her about how many children he had, but the fact that his ex-wife was here at the hotel with them! 'There's no way in hell I'm going to let them stand in the way of my upcoming marriage to Harry.'

       "I think this would be a great time to come out with the truth. Right girls?" Hermione interjected as she stood up from the lounge chair as she grabbed Hailey by the hand and walked towards Lily.

        "Do we have to do this now? In front of everyone?" Lily asked as she motioned to all the people who were watching from a distance. Hermione followed her daughter's gaze, scanning the area. Occupants of the pool were staring, whispering amongst one another. Flashbacks from their fourth year filled Hermione's head as she recalled the whispers circling the school about her, Harry, and Viktor Krum. At that moment, Hermione and Harry looked at one another as if they had been reliving the same memory, both silently agreeing to take this matter into a more private location.

      "Harry, why don't you go upstairs and get changed? Then we can all talk about this privately. Possibly in an empty staff room? Near the main lobby." Hermione suggested.

      "Sounds like a plan 'Mione." Harry smiled at her as Lilah interlocked their fingers together. "See you in a few minutes." Less than twenty minutes later, Harry finished changing and made his way to the empty staff room, with Lilah at his side, of course. He had suggested that she stay with her parents while he sorted this matter out with Hermione and their daughters. Lilah wouldn't budge.

     "Dad, we are over here!" Lily called to him with a wave as he and Lilah stepped off the elevator. Harry and Lilah followed Lily into the medium-sized room and sat down at the chestnut brown, oblong table that sat in the middle of the room. "Now that we are all here, let's have the truth once and for all."

     Hermione nodded in agreement as she took a seat beside Lily and Hailey, taking her oldest daughter's hand in hers, gently squeezing it, encouraging her to go on.

      "Well, Hailey and I met at Camp Hogwarts right after we played a game of quidditch against one another." Lily started off before looking at her sister to continue.

        "At first, Lily and I were a bit startled and confused to why we looked so much alike. But once we got to talking and saw each of you in our respective pictures, it clicked for us. We wanted to get to know you both since we had missed out on ten years." Hailey said, causing Harry and Hermione to flinch slightly.

       "After that, we came up with a plan to switch places."

       "I really wanted to know what Mum was like so I decided to take Hailey's place since for the majority of my life I always thought my mum never loved me, why she never came back." Lily explained as she looked into her father's eyes that were filled with sorrow.

      "And I wanted to get to know dad, so obviously I took Lily's place." Hailey began before turning to face her mother, placing her free hand atop hers. " Mum, I really wanted dad to be in my life. I spent my days whether I was at school or the park watching as other children interacted with their dad's, wondering why mine wasn't around. I yearned to know what it was like to have a dad who would get me out of sticky situations when you would scold me for something, or to teach me how to ride a broomstick properly."

      "And when exactly were the two of you going to tell us about your little scheme?" Harry asked his daughter's curiously, his arms folded across his torso.

       "We wanted to tell you both when you were at the same place and time." Lily replied.

        "We hope you both aren't mad at us-" Hailey began quietly as she looked down at the table.

         "We just wanted to get to know you." Lily finished as she looped her arm through Hailey's.

       "Oh, pumpkin." Harry said as he stood up and hugged his daughter, Hermione following suit with Hailey.

      "We're sorry we didn't tell you sooner." Hailey apologized as she hugged their mother tightly.

      "Don't worry about it dears. Everything is going to be okay." Hermione replied as she gave them a smile and then looked at Harry.

     "Your mum is right." Harry confirmed, nodding his head as he smiled at his children. Lilah sat in her chair watching as the scene unfolded before her, her brown eyes filling with anger. 'Are you serious!' she thought to herself angrily. She did not like what she was witnessing before her. She knew what the two brats were trying to do. There was no way she was going to let them get away with it either.

      "Well I hate to break up this little reunion and moment of truth , but Harry we have plans with my parents tonight. Remember?" Lilah told him as she stood up from the chair and walked towards her fiancé, placing her manicured hand atop his shoulder.

      "Oh, that's right, I completely forgot." Harry said dumbfounded as he slapped his forehead before turning his attention towards his ex-wife. "Hermione, do you and Hailey have any plans tonight?"

       "Not really. Why do you ask?" Hermione asked him, puzzled at what he was up too.

       "Would you like to accompany us to the cinema this evening?" Harry asked as he looked at her, praying to Merlin that she'd agree. Lilah stood behind him gritting her pearly white teeth, her knuckles clenching at her side. How dare he invite her without even asking if it was okay! What in Merlin's name is he thinking?

       "I don't know Harry. I wouldn't want to intrude on your plans." Hermione said as her eyes shifted from him to Lilah, who looked as if steam was about to protrude from her ears.

      'Good, then don't.' Lilah thought as she stared straight at the older brunette. She unclenched her fist trying to remain calm in Harry's presence.

       "You wouldn't be intruding, 'Mione."Harry told her earnestly as he placed a hand on hers, sending Hermione the smile that she had fallen in love with many years ago. "This would benefit all of us. You and I would be spending quality time with the girls and Lilah would have the chance to get to know the girls better."

         "As long as it's okay with Lilah." Hermione told him causing him to turn towards his fiancée, awaiting her answer.

         "Sure, why not? I mean, after all, we are going to be a family in two weeks anyway." Lilah answered, fighting back the words she'd love to say to her.

      "Great! Hailey, why don't you come upstairs with us to get ready? Then we'll meet back in the lobby at four o'clock." Hailey nodded her head as she turned to her mother, placing a kiss on her cheek before taking her father by the hand.

      "Sounds like a plan, Harry. We'll see you then." Hermione smiled at him before taking hold of Lily's hand and exiting the room.

   'Phase One complete. Now for phase two.' The eldest twin thought to herself as a mischievous grin plastered across her face

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