Chapter Twenty-Nine: A Confrontation

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           Harry and Hermione arrived at the hotel about forty minutes later hand in hand as entered through the main lobby, walking to the elevator. Harry pressed the arrow with his index finger, signaling for the elevator to come down to pick them up. Once the doors parted, the former couple walked inside. The doors closed them off from the rest of the world for the time being as Harry pressed his index finger to the number of Hermione's floor.

        "I had a great time tonight, Harry. I'm glad we had the chance to talk." Hermione told Harry, smiling broadly at him. Harry looked at her, thinking about how nice the evening had been for the two of them. He began to think of how different Lilah and Hermione were, not just in looks, but in demeanor and the way they composed themselves.

        "So did I." Harry took his free hand and placed it on her cheek, gently caressing it with his thumb. A tingling sensation awoke within the pit of his stomach, something that hadn't happened in such a long time. He looked at Hermione, really looked at her like he used to all those years ago. Oh, how he missed her. He knew right then and there, he was not going to allow her to leave him once more, not when he just got her back.

         Emerald eyes met brown, mesmerized by one another as their faces inched closer together, lips slightly parted. Just as their lips were about to touch, the elevator door dinged, causing the couple to jump apart as the doors opened.

         "Well... Goodnight Harry. I'll see you later." Hermione said, trying to hide her flushed cheeks as she walked past him without a glance back. Harry stood there, confused at what had just happened in the elevator mere moments ago.

      'What were you thinking! How could you have nearly kissed him!' Hermione scolded herself. Many thoughts plagued her mind as she replayed the scene over and over in her head. 'Is Ron right? Does Harry still fancy me? Of course, he doesn't! If he did, then he wouldn't be marrying Lilah now would he?'

         'Well he did say Harry was only marrying her so he could move on from me.

       ' Please who are you kidding? He's had ten years to get over you.'

       'But if he did, then why did he nearly kiss me in the elevator?'

        Hermione argued with herself for a few minutes before making a decision to talk to Ron and Luna tomorrow, seeing as she was worn out from the events the day held. Once she entered her room, Hailey and Lily were fast asleep on one of the queen beds, tucked out for the night. Hermione walked into the bathroom, changed out of her dress and into her nightgown before climbing into bed to let the darkness consume her.

       A couple floors up, Harry's mind was just as jumbled as Hermione's. 'I almost kissed Hermione! What in Merlin's name was I thinking! I'm getting married!' Harry chastised himself as he walked down the long hallway to his room, running a hand through his raven hair.

        ' What does this mean? Do I still have feelings for her? Does she have feelings for me? Don't get me wrong, I love Lilah. Don't I? I wouldn't be marrying her if I didn't, right? Hermione looked so beautiful tonight, she always has.

    'Blast the girls and the ruddy picnic. The entire evening was perfect with the talking, hand holding, and the elevator ride.'

    Harry decided that maybe getting some sleep would be best to help clear his thoughts for the night. But unfortunately, fate had other plans in store for him.

      "Where in the world have you been?!" Lilah asked furiously as soon as Harry walked into the door. Her eyes were shooting daggers at him, her fists clenched into a ball at her side.

      "I was with Hermione and the kids." Harry told her casually as he took off his jacket and hung it in the closet.

      "Oh don't give me that shit. We both know the kids weren't with you and Hermione. After I took a shower and went down to the main lobby to wait on you, who do I see when walking through the door half an hour later? Ron and the kids. Not you! Not Hermione! Just Ron, his son, and your daughters. When I asked Ron where you were he told me you were with her!" Lilah gritted through her teeth, stomping her foot. "So don't you dare stand there and lie to me!"

        Harry was pissed. How dare she talk to him as if he had gone off the deep end and ruined her favorite Gucci bag! He hadn't done anything wrong He quickly cast a wandless silencing charm on the room. He had a feeling things were going to escalate quickly.

      "Okay one, I didn't lie to you when I said I was with Hermione and the kids. Hermione and I took the girls to Hyde Park and when we got there, Ron and Dylan already had a picnic set out. The kids, Ron, and his son had set it up for us because we had such a long day with everything that had gone on.

       "Two, Ron said he'd take the girls out to dinner since he already had plans to meet Luna at the restaurant. Doing so gave me and Hermione time to talk about our plan for the girls for the remainder of the summer and for the future years ahead. So don't you dare accuse me of being a liar and cheater!" Harry bellowed at her, his index finger pointing in her direction. "Oh and by the way, I invited Hermione to the wedding as my guest. Just thought I should run it past you since you think I keep things from you!"

      If looks could kill, Harry would be laying on the floor dead within three seconds. Lilah's nostrils were flaring her blood boiling as she took in what he just told her. "You did what! Why on earth did you invite her? That has to be the most inconsiderate thing you could have done! I will not allow her to come. I forbid it!" Lilah shouted angrily at her fiancée, her hands flying up in the air. 'Has he lost his mind!'

      "Excuse me? Who the hell do you think you are to tell me who I can or cannot invite to my own bloody wedding! This is just as much my wedding as it is yours!"

      "I am your fiancée in case you have forgotten! I don't like you and your ex-wife hanging out together alone! She's your ex-wife for Merlin's sake! What do you think people will say once they see her there?!"

       "It's nobody's damn business why she is there except my own! Hermione is coming and that's final! And if you want a wedding to even take place then you better get your jealousy under control right now. Hermione and my kids have been nothing but nice to you ever since they arrived!" Harry told her, trying to keep his temper under control before he made all the lights in the hotel blow out.

         Lilah looked speechless at Harry. Had he really just threatened to cancel the most important day of her life? Over them! No, she wouldn't give the brats the satisfaction. She closed her auburn eyes, trying to soothe herself before things got more out of hand. "You know what? You're right. I promise you, Harry, that I will act properly and get my jealousy under control." Lilah told him as she walked over to him, wrapping her slender, tanned arms around his neck.

           "Thank you." Harry told her as Lilah pressed her lips against his.

       "And if it makes you happy, then I am okay with Hermione attending the wedding." Lilah told him, trying hard not to vomit in her mouth as she spoke those last words.

      "I think if you'd try to get to know her, the two of you could become good friends." Harry told her as he made his way over to their king-sized bed, Lilah following behind him.

    'I highly doubt that.' Lilah thought as she rolled her eyes behind his back. It was bad enough she had to pretend to be friends with the Weasley's. "We just might, dear."

       "Now can we please get some sleep? This has been a very long day." Harry said as he set his glasses on the nightstand.

      "Fine." Lilah huffed, climbing into bed, turning on her side as she thought of every possible way to get rid of Hermione before the wedding, once and for all.

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