Until Death Do Us Part

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Song: Stop Asking Me to Come Back by James Arthur 

"How terrible it is to love something that Death can touch" ~ Anonymous 

Kate's Story:

There is but one thing in this world that scares me. One thing in this world that without-a-doubt scares me to no end. The sad part is that there's nothing I can do to stop it. Death is around every corner. Waiting patiently for each and every one of us. Death mocks us. Death is so cruel. Death loves to watch us suffer and live out our miserable lives. Death deserts us when we want it the most, yet comes to us in our most desperate times.

When we cling to the hope that Death will spare us just this once, He simply laughs in our face, all the while pointing a finger at us. He gets pleasure from our pain. It gives Him great satisfaction to watch the hope drain from our eyes. The cruel man.

Death scares me to no end. I have no control over it, and I want that control. I hate that I have to live on edge, constantly in fear of when or where Death will get me.

I know it's coming. My time is coming too soon. They say that when you start to see Him, you know the inevitable is not a matter of if, but when?

When I was fifteen years old, I started to see Him. Needless to say, Death was not one bit what I expected to see. A dark suite cloaked his frame. His collars raised to shield his stone cold neck. The shoes he wore were black leather dress shoes, yet it was a stretch to assume such since I never got close enough to take in His appearance. I never saw his face. Nor did I want too. I knew that if I ever locked eyes with him, he would take me. He would show no mercy. I didn't want to imagine looking into the eyes of Death because I did not want to see into the horrors of my life. I've heard that when you look into His eyes, you see your life. All the small bits and pieces of your life you thought were insignificant now seemed so important in that moment. Death was the last connection to your humanity before He took it away from you altogether. He made you remember the sinful things you've done in life. He forced you to look at your mistakes and your faults. All the things you've ever done and apologized for, he peeled your eyes opened so you wouldn't miss a single second.

When you got to the end of your life, of where you are now, it was as if you were staring into a mirror. And that's when he got you. When you saw yourself in His eyes. You see yourself for who you are, not for who you look like on the outside. When broken tears ran down your cheeks, He'd thrived off cracking you. It's what He does. It's what He lives for.

I was doing well, for the most part. I was dodging Death as if He were a bounty hunter and I was wanted for murder. There was a price on my head; a target on my back; a charge for my life. Escaping the clutches of death had become my new hobby. I was silently obsessing over the thought of running into Him. It wasn't intelligence that got me this far, it was luck and we both knew it. One day, each day, I fear my luck will run out. The next time I narrowly miss Death will be my last time. Or maybe there won't be another time at all. Maybe the next time will be my last time.

I couldn't understand why Death wanted me so bad. I was still young. Not even legally an adult and here He was, taunting me with his evil presence. The presence of Death was an eerily feeling. I knew where He was and when He was around because I could feel him. What a terrifying feeling it was to feel Death. He wrapped around you like a vice grip. He left your body cold and detached from the human world. It was almost as if he was preparing you. Letting you know what was to come in time. The feeling of Death made me sick to my stomach, however, in the most ironic of all things, it also left me with a sense of peace. A feeling I missed but no, no, no. I would not give into it. Death likes to play games. He likes to manipulate your emotions and toy with your feelings. It's all a lie. All apart of his game.

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