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We got a day to spend where the losers have been hanging since they got there. I was in my bathing suit with my coverup and was swimming around.

I didn't bother to hang out with anyone as they were busy with everyone else. No one wanted to, anyways.

So, I decided not to bother with them either. Everyone else was happy, and I was sorta okay-ish. I didn't really care about the money like several others were, but I didn't want to pay much attention to that.

"Hello campers," I heard Chris say and I stopped swimming. "Congratulations to our winner. Owen, you played hard. Not sure why, but you beat every other camper on this island and your pockets will soon be stuffed with cheddar."

"But what I'm about to offer you may change all that. Inside this suitcase is one million dollars." Chris said. "Owen, my man, this million dollars could be yours. All you have to do is figure out where we are about to hide it and bring it to the dock of shame before anyone else does.

"You're telling us we all have a chance to win one million dollars?" Gwen asked.

"Yep. What do ya say, Owen?" Chris asked. "Will you settle with a hundred g's, or one million dollars?!"

"Game on, baby! Ha, ha, yeah!" Owen said. Chef ripped up the thousand money.

"That's the spirit, Owen." Chris said. The million dollar race started now as Owen ran off. I just stayed put.

"Let me get this straight," Heather said,"after messing with our heads for an entire summer, you expect us to start running around the island like idiots all over again?"

"That's right," Chris said.

"But how do we know you didn't stuff that suitcase with bricks or something?" Leshawna asked.

"You don't," Chris said.

"I'd love to play another round of humiliation of teens, but I've got a buffet to eat." Noah said.

"Fine, suit yourselves. I'm sure Owen would be happy to have no competition. Won't he make the easiest million dollars in tv history." Chris said.

"Don't care," I said as I drank my smoothie. No one was agreeing with Chris either. We started to hear Owen laughing and screaming. Nothing was changing my mind. Everyone else started running.

"Uh, what are you doing?" Chris asked me.

"Swimming, obviously." I said.

"You're not gonna go after the million bucks?" He asked.

"Nah, I'm done. I've done my part." I said.

"Okay then," he said awkwardly and walked off along with Chef. I rested into the pool and ate some of the buffet to pass the time of all those idjits going out there for a million bucks.

I've spent at least a few hours as I thought it would be nice to see people losing the million. Chuckling, I went over to the dock of shame to watch the madness. When from that, I saw people hurdling towards me. I screamed as I tried to move, but I was caught in it and I was sent in the water.

"So, you lost the case." Chris said. "Way to go. I didn't wanna have to do this but since none of the fifteen of you officially won, you all officially tied. Which means, that you all will have another shot at winning the million dollars." They started cheering. "In season two."

"What? Another season?" I asked. Another season of pure torture?!

"Oh, forget this. I didn't agree to another season two." Duncan said.

"Actually, you did." Chris said. "It's called the fine print. Read it, live it, love it."

"I hate the fine print," Gwen said.

"As for the rest of you, your treasure hunt ends here. Along with all your hopes of ever winning any money of on this show." Chris said. "The good news though, you'll be watching all the action of season two from the sidelines."

"Wait a minute! I wanna be on season two!" Courtney shouted.

"Why the check would you freaking want to? It'll just be torture and humiliation." I said.

"Tut, tut, tut, fine print." Chris said.

"Yes, this is so awesome." Izzy said.

"In exactly two days, you will all report to a brand new location for a whole new challenge. And, the last one standing will receive one million dollars!" Chris yelled. I groaned. Not again!

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