Chapter 22: Stranded

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Chapter 22: Stranded

Last night, Leshawna was somehow voted off the island by all the losers, don't ask me how. Because I didn't even know the reason. All I knew now that I was in the final five now.

I've spent almost two months here on Total Drama, and I couldn't believe I made it here this long. I was in the final five already.

It has been raining all week, and it was so freaking annoying. Like total nonstop, that was all it had been. Just rain, thunderstorms, and more rain. It has been awful. It was only three of us girls now with two boys.

"Listen up, campers!" I heard Chris' voice. "One of the most grueling challenges of any summer camp experience is the dreaded rain day. Where all activities were given the remote possibility of fun are cancelled in favor in favor of the arts and crafts center.

"The forecast for tomorrow is rain, rain, and more rain followed by rain. See you all at the crafts tents tomorrow at 0700 hours." Chris finished.

"Crying like a big baby won't bring Leshawna back, you know." Heather said. "It'll just give you pre-mature wrinkles. Oops, too late." Gwen stomped the floor board.

"Why don't you do us all a favor and vote yourself off," Gwen said.

"Please do," I added.

"So nice to see you three getting along. Gives me the warm fuzzes." Duncan said. He was sharpening a stick for who knows what.

"In your dreams, nerd." Heather said.

"Duncan? A nerd?" I asked. "He's like the punkest, most hard metal/rock dude you will ever meet."

"Thanks, princess." He grinned. "Makes me feel better to know that you know me so well."

"Well, great minds think alike." I said.

"You know it," he grinned while giving me a wink. I just rolled my eyes. "Well, this stinks. Even Owen couldn't put a showy happy spin on this weather. Speaking of each, where is Owen?"

"Who knows?" I said. "Probably went to go see if Izzy is still in the woods." Duncan laughed and then we parted ways. I went inside the cabin, well, the other one from the girls to have my personal room practically. I joined two bunk beds together and removed the mattress to one to put all my stashed food that I still had leftover from my gift basket from the challenge with the treasure, and the ones I had brought with me. I let Gwen share with me sometimes, but never Heather.

I turned in for the day and just texted Alejandro all day, seeming like I had nothing else important to do.


I woke up the next day and fell out of my bed and into water. What the hell?! I spat out water as Heather and Gwen fell in as well. Duncan was already here.

"Where did all this water come from?!" Gwen yelled.

"How should I know? Why don't you ask the leeches," Heather said and right when she lifted her arm, leeches were on her arm and I burst out laughing.

"You know, this is so ridiculous it's almost funny." Duncan said with a grin. I turned to see a shark fin.

"Holy crap, swim!" I shouted and swam fast to the cabin while the others practically jumped out of the water and ran to the cabin. Like what the hell, dude?

"Quick, we need something big and chewy to shove in his mouth!" Gwen said.

"Owen!" Heather yelled.

"Where the hell is he?!" I shouted.

Somehow, the cabin drifted towards an island and we got off it there. "Okay, is anyone else creeped out by this deserted island?" Gwen asked.

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