Chapter 20: Capturing

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Chapter 20: Capturing

For the past few days, I've been texting Alejandro about the show and we've just talked to each other as well about other different things.

I was sitting on the cabin steps for a while just listening to music while writing in my notebook and eating a few potato chips. Next thing I know a net catches me.

"Hey! What the hell?!" I shouted as I tried to get the net off of me. "Get it off of me!"

"Good morning, campers!" I heard Chris' voice shout. "Or should I say, trappers. Ready for today's challenge? Excellent. Then let's chat about it over chow, shall we?" I looked over to see Owen caught in the air and everyone else in a cage.

He threw a knife at Owen's foot and it cuts through the rope and he falls over the cage which unlocked the cage door. They all walked out and away from me.

"Uh, hello?" I said. "Anyone gonna get me out of here?!" No one. They all left me. I growled and tried to get myself out which was practically impossible. Once I did get out, I ran towards the mess hall where everyone was.

I made it just in time and glared at everyone for not helping me out of that stupid net. Way to be of help, people.

I just grabbed a coffee and plopped next to Gwen and Leshawna.

"Campers, there is only eight of you left on total drama island. After tonight's dramatic bonfire ceremony, only seven of you will remain." Chris said. "We're nearing the end, people! So look alive!"

I'm almost there. I'm almost finished.

Chris started talking about today's challenge. "You'll each have eight hours to trap an animal."

"Got one," Duncan said as he held Owen's arm.

"A wild animal. Which you must bring back to the campfire. Unharmed." Chris said. Leshawna and Geoff started fighting over the paste and I just rolled my eyes.

"For my good, I might have to barbecue my animal. I'm starving to death." Gwen said.

"Funny you should mention that, Gwen. Reward for winning today's challenge is a meal of all your favorite foods." Chris said.

"I am so winning," I heard Heather say. We had to walk towards the boat house where everything was there that we needed to catch our animal.

"Everyone, chose an animal assignment!" Chris said with a grin.

"Butterfly," I said as I looked at my card.

/"Seriously?! A freaking butterfly?! Can I get something a little bit more challenging?! And the last time I checked, butterflies are not animals!"/

"Bear?!" I heard Heather tell. "Are you kidding me?!"

"It's the only animal left," Chris said. Heather started arguing with Chris. Then I heard Chris say, "loser cleans the communal washrooms." I stared wide eyed and shocked.

/"Oh, I am not being the last one to do finish this challenge! Luckily, a stupid butterfly will be easy."/

Chris said we only had three seconds remaining so I just grabbed a few boxes like Izzy did and ran out of the boat house. I looked through them to hopefully find something to catch a butterfly with. I found a little net and a small cage and I was good to go.

"Is everyone ready?!" Chris yelled.

"Yes!" We all shouted and Heather said no. I just rolled my eyes. We then ran off to catch whatever we had to catch and I ran by to find some flowers or something.

After a bit of a while for waiting, a yellow butterfly landed on a flower and I smirked as I got the net ready. As I tried to catch it, it made a huge growl and quickly flew off high into the air and zoomed away like a freaking eagle. I just stared at it with my mouth opened.

"Are you kidding me?!" I yelled.

/"Last time I checked, butterflies don't fly like freaking jets. They flap their delicate little wings and be slow! Ugh! And when do they freaking growl like lions?! That was freaking crazy, dude!"/

I continued to chase after it as it flew away from me. I growled in annoyance and swung the net around trying to catch it. It dodged my moves somehow as I did so. It was like it was freaking taunting me or something!

"Get the hell back here!" I yelled after it. I then stopped as I was out of breath. It then flew normally and landed on a flower nearby, mocking me. "Ugh! This is ridiculous!" I yelled and slowly crept up to it. I then caught it in the net and it was moving around furiously.

I growled and tried to force it back with me. I tried tugging which made the stupid butterfly go even wilder. I put the stupid butterfly in the stupid smaller cage and ran towards the opening where the bigger cage was for the animals all together.

Leshawna and Geoff were already there. Gwen was seated at a wide table with food. Chris opened the door for me and I set the little cage with the butterfly in it on the ground. A frog hopped towards the butterfly and it growled at the frog. Chris seemed totally taken back by surprise.

"Whoa! That's an outrageous butterfly, dude!" Chris said through laughter.

"No kidding," I said through gritted teeth and walked off towards Gwen. "Would you care to spare something? I'm pissed off at the moment and I need a little cheering up."

"Sure," she said with a grin and handed me a drum stick of a turkey leg. I took a chunk out of the leg and walked off, eating it as I headed to the showers.

After a horrible long day, I walked to the campfire ceremony and sat down next to Gwen after I casted my vote in the confessional. I waited so we could get started so I could text Alejandro again. Yeah, we're really close now. Like, probably the best of friends.

"You've all cast your votes and made your decision. When I call your name, come up and claim your marshmallow. The camper who does not receive a marshmallow tonight must immediately return to the dock of shame to catch the boat of losers and leave. That means that you're out of the contest and can't come back. Ever." Chris said.

"The first marshmallow goes to Geoff, Owen, Leshawna, Duncan, Erin, Heather. One marshmallow, two players." Chris said. "Izzy, Gwen, one of you has spent your last night on total drama island."

"Just give it to Gwen already!" Heather said. She was laid on a table standing up and was strapped to it.

"Eh," Chris said and threw the marshmallow at Gwen which she caught.

"We all gotta go some time, right?" Izzy asked.

"You could make out with me first, if that would cushion the blow." Owen said.

"Good night, everybody! Thanks for coming out!" Izzy said and threw a smoke bomb on the ground and quickly disappeared. Okay, how the heck did she do that?!

Whatever. I just walked to my cabin and started texting Alejandro, which he immediately responded. A small smile formed on my lips as I got ready for bed and just texted him in my bunk.

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