Chapter 7: Facing Fears

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Chapter 7: Facing Fears

After I changed into my regular clothes, this funky smell filled my nose. Ew! I ran out of the cabin coughing trying to get to some fresh air. Owen and the boys ran out as well.

"Alright, who did it?!" Heather shouted. Owen laughed nervously.

"Sorry," he mumbled. Heather groaned.

"Ugh, I'm going to check on the other team." Heather said.

"Yeah, why not give them some go our winnings!" Beth said. I just shrugged. We all walked over to the bonfire to where the other team was.

"What do you guys want? Come to rub it in?" Courtney said, or kinda more like demanded. What's her deal?

"We got some extra dessert after our tuck-shop party. Thought you might want some." Trent said.

"So what? You're just being nice?" Courtney asked suspiciously.

"That's kinda the point." I said.

"I didn't ask you, weird emo goth girl." Courtney snarled. I rolled my eyes.

"I've heard worse insults than that," I mumbled under my breathe.

"Okay, Owen stank up our cabin and we need some time to air out." Gwen said. Owen let another one rip. Ugh, gross.

"Ew, dude." Trent said. Beth went up and offered Courtney green jello with a gummy worm inside. I got at least a few of those, especially green. It was my favorite color.

"Ew! I mean, no thanks, I'm good." Courtney declined.

"What? Are you on a diet or something?" Duncan asked. I went by him and sat down.

"No! I just don't like green jelly, okay?" Courtney stated defending herself. Doubt it. She's totally terrified of jello. Lamest phobia ever. At least try and be reasonable.

"Want some chocolate?" I asked handing him a bag of my chocodines.

"Sure," he smirked and grabbed a few. Beth offered the jello over to DJ.

"SNAKE!" DJ shrieked and tossed the jello away as it landed toward my team. It fell to the ground.

"Chill dude, it's just a gummy worm." Cody said as he picked it up.

"Sorry for trippin', snakes just freak me out." DJ said.

"I feel you. Chickens give me the creeps, dude." Tyler said.

/"Chickens? Seriously?"/

That was so lame. Everyone started to pitch in on their fears. And no way in hell was I going to say mine.

"What's my worst fear? I guess being buried alive." Gwen said.

"Yeah, that would suck." I said. I couldn't even imagine. Buried underground not dead. . . That's some hard stuff.

"Walking through a mine field, in heels." Lindsay said after her. I'm surprised she knows what I mine field even was. It just went on in a circle.

"Flying man, that's some crazy stuff." Owen admitted.

"I would never go in a plane. Never!" Izzy said.

"I'm scared of hail. Small but deadly, dude." Geoff said. It just went on and on and on. Even Duncan was scared of Celine Dion music standees! Courtney was afraid of green jello, but didn't admit it.

"What about you? Come on, emo gothic girl?" Duncan asked.

"Never really thought about it. Sure I don't like a lot of things, but never to be afraid of. Well, except this one time my brother locked me in a freezer for a whole day. That freaking sucked. What sucked worse was that he threw me in the lake with a chain around it so I couldn't get out. I sank straight to the bottom as it took hours just to break that stupid chain." I said.

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