Chapter 10: Cookin' It Up

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Chapter 10: Cookin' it Up

I woke up early before any one else and began to write in my journal for a bit about Duncan and what happened. I hid my journal inside my bed sheet under the mattress so Heather couldn't try to steal it again. After that, I took a shower and got ready for today's upcoming challenge. I couldn't wait to know what we had in store today! Note the sarcasm.

Once breakfast was over, everyone walked to the beach to know today's horrid game we were going to do.

"Today's challenge will test your minds, your teamwork, and your skills in the kitchen." Chris said.

/"Cooking! One of the things I'm actually good at! Finally!"/

"You'll be cooking a three course meal and serving it to me for tasting. The winners get a reward, the losers will send somebody home." Chris said. "Each team will appoint a head chef to create the theme of the meal and oversee the cooking. To cook, you need ingredients.

"Every morning, a truck brings us food. Today's tasks starts there." Chris finished.

"Is that a dolphin? Driving a truck?" I asked.

"Yes, it is, Erin." Chris grinned. We walked over towards the truck.

"Head chef! Called it!" Heather shouted.

"Then what theme are we going to do, then?" I asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Caribbean," she said. I just rolled my eyes. "Leshawna, mangoes. Beth, pineapples. Lindsey, macadamias. Trent, mimeses (I honestly don't know), Erin, ribs, Gwen, tomatoes." I just grabbed the box of ribs and walked out. This is stupid.

We walked into our side of the kitchen and set everything down on the table. "Gwen, Lindsay, you're on the citrus macadamia upside down flambé." Heather said. Owen came in and dropped all the oranges and fell in it, crushing some along the way. I face palmed. "Go back to the truck and get more oranges."

"I'm on it!" He said.

"Trent, Erin, you guys and Owen are on ribs. Leshawna and Beth, you're on pineapples, yuro's (I don't know), and mango dip." Heather said.

"Girl, let me handle the appetizers. I know how to make a pineapple chummy that will melt the socks off the devil." Leshawna said.

"Oh, really?" Heather asked. "Well that's so great! But, since I'm head chef, we're gonna stick with my plan, and my plan is pineapple with sticks through them, got it?"

I sighed but just went ahead and worked with Trent and Owen with the ribs. At least I know how to make them. Trent went on with the preparation of making the ribs and I went ahead and made the sauce to the ribs.

"What's that?" Trent asked as he pointed to the spices I was putting in the sauce to make it more delicious.

"Oh this? It's my grandpa's recipe to making a juicy rib with a hint of spice to give it a good boost of flavor." I said as I stirred the ingredients all together as it gave a dark brownish-red color. Suddenly, the door burst open and Owen came in with oranges, and he was covered in stings.

"It's okay, everyone! I'm back!" Owen said with a laugh. "Trent, heads up!" He threw the crate of oranges right on top of Trent crushing him in the process. I gasped.

"Trent!" I yelled. "You're such an idjit." I glared at Owen. "Now he has a concussion and can't continue the freaking challenge. Just fantastic." Chef took care of Trent will we tried to finish the food. I put the ribs on the grill we were allowed to use.

"These slices are totally uneven! Switch places with Leshawna." Heather ordered.

"What're you talkin' about? They look fine to me." Leshawna said.

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