Chapter 21: New Friend?

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Chapter 21: New Friend?

I woke up to a loud helicopter noise and fell out of my bed, once again as always. I banged my first on the floor as I got up and checked outside.

"What the hell is it now, Chris?!" I yelled as I saw him up in a stupid helicopter again.

"Keep it down out there!" Leshawna shouted.

"What's going on out here?" Gwen asked.

"Is that the donut copter?" Owen asked. Chris just started talking to the stupid camera again and I just groaned as I face palmed. It's too freaking early for this crap. I walked back inside and got my clothes on quickly as possible.

"I don't understand why you're always in a rush to put clothes on," Gwen said. "You do it every time."

"Oh, you know. I'm just a quick changer." I said and finished getting ready and walked outside where Chris was still talking to the camera.

"All in the name of today's challenge: the tri-armed tri-athalon!" Chris said. Excuse me?

"Tri-armed?" Owen asked. "Like, three arms?"

"Yes. Three challenges, three teams of two, three arms per team. Except one. One team will have three members." Chris said.

"Have you met these people? I'm not being chained to any of them." Heather said.

"When team members both get invincibility from tonight's vote." Chris said.

/"I could possibly handle that. As long it's not someone I can't handle. Well, no one can handle Heather, that's for sure. I don't know who I couldn't handle. Probably not Geoff, he's just. . . How do I put it? What's that word I'm looking for? It describes him perfectly, but what was it? Oh, I got it! Obnoxious."/

We were in the mess hall, and I was handcuffed to the person I couldn't stand. Geoff. Gwen was on the other side of me. I was on a three-person team, and I was already hating it. I was in the middle. Freaking fantastic.

"First of our three challenges: competitive chow down!" Chris said. "Each team will choose a feeder and an eater. Eaters must put their hands behind them and make it even more difficult for the feeders." Geoff was nodded at everything he was saying and it was getting on my nerves. "One last thing. This is the wimp key. A skeletal key that will open any handcuffs. You'll be offered the wimp key at each challenge to unlock yourselves from your team mate.

"But, if you choose to accept it, you'll both be eliminated." Chris finished.

"Hello, how do we win this thing?" Gwen asked.

"Just eating platters for each team." Chris said. "Title goes to the team who finishes their platter for delicacies fastest." Duncan and Leshawna started to argue of who got to eat.

"We don't have to fight or anything, eh?" Geoff asked. "We're a team, babes."

"You be the eater then," Gwen said.

"Cool," he said.

"No, wait. I'll be the eater." Gwen said.

"Cool," Geoff shrugged.


"Ugh, I'll be the eater! Just stop!" I said pitching in.

"Cool," Geoff said with a shrug. I rolled my eyes and we got into position. We started by doing this 1, 2, 3 thing and I just did whatever.

"Oh, this looks good. I wanna try this." Geoff said.

"Just feed Erin," Gwen said as we went the same pace.

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