Chapter 19: Horror in the Night

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Chapter 19: Horror in the Night

Right that night, Chris allowed us to have a movie night. We were all watching a scary movie and I was excited to watch it. I was eating popcorn while watching the movie.

"Here comes the blood-fest!" Gwen shouted and I was laughing my head off when it happened.

"Aw, the chainsaw psycho is going back to the woods! He's getting away! Yeah, good ending!" Izzy shouted. The movie ended.

"Woo, am I ever glad that's over." DJ said. "I really hate scary movies!"

"Oh yeah?" Duncan started. "What scares you most? The part where everyone meets a grizzly death or the psycho killer with the hook!" He then had a hook on his hand and DJ jumped in fright and hid behind Leshawna. I laughed.

"Oh, come on, Deej. For a slasher-flick, it was pretty tame." Gwen said.

"Yeah, there was hardly any hacking." Duncan said. "It's not like BloodBath 2: Summer Camp Raid of Terror!"

"I freaking loved that movie! That's one of my most favorites!" I said.

"Mine too! I love it when the killer jams that guys hand into the lawnmower." Gwen said.

"Or when he throws that party dude into the fan that cuts his head off!" I said.

"Or when he pushes the chick off the dock and then she lands on a propeller blade that slices her in half!" Duncan said.

"Or when he shoves that big dudes head inside the wood chipper!" Duncan, Gwen, and I said loudly together. DJ jumped into Leshawna's arms. Duncan and I fist pounded.

"Aw, looks like Duncan and Gwen and Erin have more in common than bad fashion sense." Heather said. "It's just mindless guts and gore."

"No it's not." I said. "Horror movies are not mindless."

"Yeah, they're loaded with psychological trauma." said Duncan. "Heh, look at DJ." Leshawna pushed him off of her.

"Whatever! Does anyone have any idea what our challenge will be this week?" Heather said.

"Yeah, where's the Chris-mister?" Geoff asked. We looked out onto the docks and saw Chef and Chris. We walked over to them when we saw them putting bags onto a boat.

"Hey, yo, Chef, where's the fire?" Duncan asked. Chef gasped and jumped on the boat and drove off with Chris. What the heck was that about?

"Dude, you forgot this!" Owen said and picked up a backpack. A newspaper fell out and he picked it up. "Escape Psycho killer on the loose! Be on the lookout for a man wearing a hockey mask, a hooked hand, and carrying a chainsaw!"

"Ha ha! He's on the loose!" Izzy shouted.

"Oh, come on!" Heather said. "They don't expect us to fall for this! Scary movie, followed by pasty exits, followed by strategically placed lame prop!"

"I don't know, it looked pretty spooked." DJ said and I just rolled my eyes.

"Puh-lease!" Heather said. "It's all apart of their little stunt to freak us out."

"If this was a stunt, would Chris leave behind his hair gel?" Owen asked and we all gasped except me. Wouldn't he just be carrying more than just a little bottle?

"Whoa, this is for real." Gwen said.

"Lemme get this straight! Chris left us for dead, and now we're alone while that escaped psycho killer with a chainsaw is on the loose?!" DJ shouted.

"That about sums it up," I said.

"No, we're alone while that escaped psycho killer with a chainsaw and a hook is on the loose!" Duncan said and DJ screamed while getting into position of covering himself.

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