Chapter 18: Drag Racing

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Chapter 18: Drag Racing

For the week of ever since Bridgette has been gone, non-stop we've all been hearing Geoff wailing out because of Bridgette was gone. Poor dude. He really liked her.

I was out sitting on the beach just listening to music as I didn't want to play frisbee with everyone else. I was only minding my own independent business.

"Morning, campers!" We heard Chris shout over the loud speakers and I had I cover my ears. "Your next challenge awaits you at the arts and crafts center!" I groaned and went to the cabin and put my headphones back in my bag. I walked towards the crafts center with Gwen. We didn't really say anything as we walked.

"Welcome to the arts and crafts center." Chris said.

"More like the arts and junk center," Duncan said.

"Yeah, it used to be an outhouse but now it's where Chef parks his road on." He kicked it open and I gasped at the beautiful sight of a red motorcycle with flames.

/"Okay, this may be weird, but I have an obsession over these kind of things. They. Are. Awesome."/

"Which brings us to this challenge!" Chris said. "Building your own wheels."

"Yes!" I shouted.

"You'll find all the parts you'll need in our bike depot." Chris said. "Once you've collected the basics, trick them out any way you want using the props from the arts and crafts center. Best design wins! And, being a nice guy I'm even throwing in a bike manual."

"Psh, who needs a manual?" I said and walked over to the bike junk. I grabbed a bunch of things to build for my bike and got to work. I'm so glad I took a mechanic class for this kind of things!

I styled my bike the way I wanted it and it looked almost like a real motorcycle/bike. Almost. I wanted a better seat cushion than this, but hey, whatever works. I even made it sorta work like one as well.

"Campers, time to judge your bikes!" Chris said. "Put your pedal to the metal and meet me at the crafts center." When he got to me, he was grinning a bit.

"Nice one! It looks pretty cool. Wicked and edgy." Chris said. He finally finished judging the bikes. "We're gonna race these babies, hard!"

"Awesome!" Heather said. "Because my bike is built for speed, right, Lindsey?"

"Totally," Lindsey said.

"Yeah, unfortunately, you won't be riding it, Heather." Chris said. "You'll be switching bikes! Yeah, cruel twist, huh? Alrighty then! See you at the beach!"

/"Are you kidding me?! With all the effort I put into making that bike, someone else gets to use it?!"/

I groaned as I grabbed my bike and walked it down towards the beach. Okay, I'm so pissed off right now. We all made it to the beach and Chris was still on the four-wheeler.

"Okay, here's how it works. Everyone picks a name out of the helmet to see who's bike you're riding." Chris said. "If your bike makes it across the finish line, then you get to ride it in the final round for invincibility." I looked at my card and it had my own name on it.

"What if we have our own name?" I asked.

"Then you ride your own bike," he said. "Now, before we start, has anyone seen Leshawna or Izzy?" I looked around. Nope. We all mounted our bikes, our rather, each other.

"Okay, racers, on your marks, get set, -- paramedics on stand by -- and, drag!" Chris said and I took off peddling. Even though several others were ahead, I didn't fret as I still felt confident. Heather some how knocked into DJ and Geoff. I avoided them easily.

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