Chapter 31

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[Five years later]:
I took a holiday from work to celebrate the day with Darshan. Off late, we both had been caught up with work so we could hardly spend time with each other. After resuming my Dance career five years ago, I struggled for success. I auditioned for a few shows and fortunately, got selected in an international dance show which seemed like a dream to me. I lived in London for 6 months after our wedding, it was really difficult for me and Darshan to keep pace between our career and relationship but we managed to get through that time. Once, I lost the opportunity to emerge as a good dancer, but after that, I was more determined to reach my goal. I worked consistently, days would turn into nights and I would still have no idea about it. "Hello, I am leaving. Where are you?", I sat on my car and rang Darshan up. "I am...I am on my way. I will be reaching in a while", he stammered. "I am not going to interview you. Don't worry. I see, you are losing confidence", I giggled. "So funny!", he sighed in annoyance. "I am coming. Hang up!", his voice turned softer. I kept my phone in my handbag and looked at the city outside. Mumbai was still the same- the same rush, hurry and chaos. Although it's not that easy to establish yourself in Mumbai, I was fortunate enough to survive among crore. 
My insides were bubbled up with excitement. I was officially with Darshan for five years but still, this meeting excited me. I felt like I was driving back to the memory lane, everything felt surreal. In spite of several hardships, our love won and we stayed with each other through thick and thin. "Mam, Tea Villa is here", the driver said making me come out of the thoughts, I was lost in. I pushed the door open, Tea Villa looked the same as it was years ago. I walked inside and looked for a vacant table. Suddenly my eyes fell on the table at the extreme corner, which revealed the city through the glass. It comes without saying that we always used to have enough conversations there.
I sat on the same table and waited for Darshan to come. Fortunately, Tea Villa was quite unoccupied that day. Most of the times when I would plan an outing with Darshan, we would end up clicking pictures for our fans who would surround us and when their requests would get over, our schedule would drift us apart. A perfect meeting with him was quite tough but we couldn't complain too because those people supported us and made us reach heights of the stardom we had today. 
The door of the cafeteria swung backwards and Darshan entered in a black shirt and denims with an as usual smile on his face. It was surprising how he didn't search me anywhere and headed straight to the table I booked, maybe he knew our old place. He pulled the chair and sat in front of me. "Am I late?", he questioned. "Were you ever on time, Mr. Raval?", I taunted him, falsely and we cracked up. He looked in all the directions and asked, "Isn't nostalgia hitting us really hard, Nandini?" and I answered with a big nod. The day reminded us of our relationship when it was all new for us and we strated it raw, together. He delved his hand into his pocket and searched for his phone. "SURPRISE!", he showed me a picture of a team who went for street dancing. On the second last from right, I found myself doing a dance step. "Your team has made it to the Guinness Book of Records!", he said while I looked at him stunned because I did not see it coming my way. "WHAT! ARE YOU SERIOUS! DARSHAN!", I screamed out of happiness and covered my mouth with my hand. Last week, I went along with my team to Spain to accomplish my most awaited and unfulfilled dream of setting a record in Street Dancing and I couldn't believe we did it. "I too have something for you", I said to Darshan who gazed at me laughing. "What?", he asked with excitement. "I won't show it!", I pulled his leg. "Nandini, show it, please!", he smiled in a childish way. "Calm down! Let me find it", I took out a picture from my handbag and slid it towards Darshan.
"What is it?", he picked up the picture and gazed at it for a while minute. "This is from the college dance competition, right?", he smiled wide and I nodded. "Well, it is of that time when you saved me from embarrassment and protected me. That was the day, I fell for you, harder", I said. "The time when you used to ignore my feelings, Nandini, am I right?", he teased me and we chuckled. I was too reluctant to accept that he liked me but I was destined to fall for him one day. "I accepted my feelings later though", I said and he giggled. "Chuck it! How was your concert the previous night? You set the stage on fire, right?", I asked him. "Yup!", he said. "Aaiii-iiii-iiii", Anaya, our three year old daughter, stuttered something in her voice. "Oh, did I not talk to you, baby? Come here!", I extended my arms out while Darshan held her in his hands from his lap. "Dad irritated you, right?", I held her in my arms and she frowned. "Such possessive daughter, you have, Darshan", I said bursting into laughter. "You love Dad more, baby!", Darshan made a puppy face and Anaya giggled. "Our fifth meeting anniversary couldn't be better than this!", I smiled caressing Anaya's hairs. "Yes, this moment is so beautiful, now it seems like a perfect family", he said. He stood up and shifted a chair beside me and sat there. He wrapped his hands around my shoulder and hugged me tightly. "I love you", I looked at him and said. "I love you even more", he leaned his head against mine and then placed a soft kiss on my forehead. My eyes turned moist. Everything seemed right, I was with him now. No matter how hard life became, we got through it together. We won every battle for our love. The sacrifices, happiness and pain, all left us with goodness. I felt complete with Darshan and our angel, Anaya. 
Right from the first rain I witnessed with him to the last fight I had with him, we stood with each other as pillars. No matter how strong the storm was, we overcame it. No matter how hard it was to be with me, he did not give up. We were like the two ends of the same thread, even if you break them to their smallest parts, they will still be complementary to each other.

[THE END :)]

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