Chapter 4

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“Excuse me, Sir! May I come in”, I said to Vibhas Roy, the programme -in charge at our college, who was sitting in his office on the chair comfortably. “Nandini Malhotra, yes, please come in”, he said smiling. I held the strip of my backpack and walked to his table. “Sir, I wanted to enroll for the Dance Competition but I don’t have a partner for duet so can you please tell me when is the deadline for giving the name”, I said. He told “You must submit your names by today”. “Oh, Thank you, Sir then I will be searching a partner for me”, I said and came out of his office. “Who will perform with me? From where will I find a partner for me in such less time?”, I said to myself furrowing my eyebrows and walking in the corridor. “Hey, did you give your name for the dance competition?”, said Dhriti patting my back from behind. “No, I need a partner”, I said giving out a breath of disappointment. “You told me just now and see I have already found a partner for you. Thank me later”, she said in high spirits. “Who?”, I questioned in excitement. “The boy who is coming from our front can be the perfect partner for you”, she said pointing towards Darshan who was coming in our direction. “I don’t think he will agree to perform with me. He doesn’t even speak to me”, I said in despair. Dhriti held my hand tightly and dragged me to him. “Hey Darshan, are you excited about the Dance Competition?”, said Dhriti. He blushed and looked at the floor. “Why shall I? I don’t even know how to dance”, he fumbled. “Are you sure you are not excited? Your expression doesn’t match your words. As far as I know, you dance pretty well so don’t lie. By the way, Nandini wanted to say you something”, she said putting entire responsibility on me. I and Darshan exchanged glances. We both smiled at each other but our insides felt awkward. My heart thudded against my chest. Literally, I could not figure on anything from him. How will I speak to him? I can’t. Won’t he think that I am too selfish to directly ask him for performing with me because I hardly greeted him any day? “Umm”, I tried speaking. “Actually…I”, I hesitated. “She loves you and wants to spend her rest of the life with you and only you”, Dhriti interrupted. Darshan grinned and shook his head. I punched in her stomach playfully. “Come on! Speak! You are not proposing him for marriage. Just ask”, she motivated. “You know about the Dance Competition, right? Only duets can participate and I don’t have a partner so will you be the one?”, I spoke in a breath. He gave a perplexed look. “But I don’t know how to dance. You might lose because of me”, he said. It felt as if he wanted to say something else but ended up speaking something else after all the text he did to Aarohi spoke something else. But I didn’t want to force him so I said “It’s alright if you don’t want to perform with me. I will try asking someone else. Let’s go Dhriti!”, I said and started to walk away. “Wait!”, he said from behind. We both turned back and looked at him. “I said I don’t know how to dance but I can try if you teach me”, he said smiling. “Yes, I can surely teach you, if you wish”, I said cheerfully. “What are you waiting for? Go to Vibhas Sir’s office and give him your names”, Dhriti suggested. “Yes, yes I’ll go”, I said excitingly. “Hello! Go together”, she ordered me and Darshan. “You both will put the stage on fire, I legit know”, she left for the class. My lips curved, I nodded and started to walk with him in the silent corridor. We both looked in opposite directions. I was on cloud nine because of the favor he did to me for none of his selfish reasons. My insides were so content, for I was finally participating in the competition.
“May we come in, Sir?”, we spoke together co-incidentally and burst out in silent laugh. “Yes, you may”, Mr. Vibhas said in perplex. “Sir, we both want to participate in the dance competition”, I said while Darshan stood silent staring at the window. “I see, you found a partner instantly”, he replied glaring at Darshan. “Okay, I will write your names, Nandini Malhotra and Darshan Raval”, he picked his pen and wrote our name on his diary. “Thank you, Sir”, I said and turned to Darshan who looked too impatient to spend even one more second there. We came out of his office and started walking in the direction of the staircase which would take us to our class on the first floor. “Can I ask you something?”, I said breaking the ice between us. “Yes, go ahead”, he replied. “Does Mr. Roy have some problem with you? I noticed him, he was glaring at you”, I questioned looking at him. “A year back, I punched him right on his face”, he said. It was so startling. How could he beat a teacher? The good-image of him, which drew in my mind minutes ago, faded away within a second. I felt my stomach twisting in knots. “But why?”, I still questioned. He replied “For some reason, of course”.
“Hey Darshan”, a voice followed us from back. We both turned. It was Abeer, his best friend. The entire college was evident of the beautiful bond they shared. “I have been searching for you since half an hour. I met Dhriti and she told me that you were here because you are participating in the Dance Competition. I was so amazed”, Abeer exclaimed. “I think you are busy, I will catch up with you later”, he said noticing me. “No, let’s go together”, he said to Abeer. “Okay, bye Nandini. Keep informing me about the practice, I will be right at time”, we both smiled and then he moved with Abeer. “My friend has become brave these days. I see. Give me some strength too so I can face her”, Abeer said wrapping his hand around Darshan’s shoulder, he thought I could not hear them but I could, so I giggled because it was really funny how people feared me.

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