Chapter 3

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In evening, I sat alone on the beach looking at the rising sea waves; my mind was at war with me. I always chose to be with only me when I needed answers from myself. I never liked crying in front of anyone, I hated showing people that I was hurt or upset or broken. I hated when people thought of me as weak and maybe that always kept me isolated. I feared that they would take advantage of my bad times and I never wanted that to happen.
I thought a lot about the dance competition and how badly I wanted to participate in it. Dhriti was right; I was a coward who could not stand for my dreams. I would allow myself to shatter with pain rather to ask for my happiness. I was weird at sometimes or maybe at every time.
I had to leave for home because it was already dark and had to show up before Dad. I stood up, took a deep breath and then went to the parking lot, took my scooty and rode to home.
Aarohi and Veena Maa sat on the couch in the living room. “Maa, see Nandini has come”, Aarohi said to Veena Maa when I entered the room. “Nandini, come here. What happened? Aarohi said that you are not participating in the dance competition. Is everything alright?”, Maa asked me. “You know I love dancing so much but I am letting it go for a reason. I don’t want to spoil the temporary peace at our home. You know Dad will never allow me an…” I explained while she cut off in between saying “Don’t be stupid. Enroll your name for the competition tomorrow and don’t worry about your Dad, we won’t let him know about this. You don’t need to ask him for permission”. “Wow! That’s why I say our mom is the best. I love you so much”, I said placing a kiss on her cheek. “Now, everything is sorted out so can we have ice-cream for celebrating this and we even had a tiring day at college today so that would freshen us up”, Aarohi said and walked to the kitchen. “You guys enjoy, I have to make a call. Excuse me!”, Maa said touching the back of my hand and went to her bedroom.
I took out my phone to text Dhriti about the good news when suddenly Aarohi’s phone vibrated. “Aarohi, someone is sending you messages consistently. Come and see”, I shouted for her to hear. “You know my password so unlock my phone and read it out to me”, she replied. “And what if there’s something personal”, I said. “There’s no secret in my life from you so do what I have asked you to”, she ordered. “Okay, Mam!” I said smiling and unlocked her phone to open her What’s app where Darshan, one of her closest friend, left her a few messages. The message read “Hey Aarohi! Is Nandini really not participating in the Dance Competition? I know you told me about it in the morning but I feel that she should really give her name for it after all she is a wonderful dancer. I remember her performance in the fest, I was so mesmerized. She looks so beautiful and elegant when she dances. I won’t type much because you know I am too lazy so tell me if I can help you in seeking permission for her. I would love to help you all out”. “Reply him that you are participating. He will be so happy”, Aarohi said happily. “Yes”, I replied slowly. On one hand, I was glad to know that someone likes my dance so much and on the other I was confused that why Darshan wanted to help me? We were never friends nor did we share any good relation. We hardly talked though we knew each other for years. I was perplexed. I was puzzled. I was clueless.
“Take your bowl. What are you thinking?”, Aarohi said making me hold my bowl of ice-cream. “Umm, nothing, nothing”, I said putting my spoon in the bowl. “Don’t lie to me. You are my sister, I know you very well. Are you thinking about the text I received? Come on! Let the cat be out of the bag”, she ordered. I silently looked at her and then at my bowl. “Okay! Now I understand, you are thinking that why Darshan is so much concerned about you. Though you know the answer, still I will tell you that Dhriti is not wrong. Even I have told you a million times that he likes you but you are too reluctant to accept it. Believe me, he is a good guy and I don’t think you will ever find a boy who will love you as much he does. Think about it”, she explained. “We will think about it later let’s first eat our ice-cream before it melts”, I said to change the topic. “I am done. I will go and take a nap because I am feeling really sleepy”, I lazily said after I finished eating and left to our room.

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