Chapter 19

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I explored Bangalore, for the half of the day along with my team. Truth to be told, the garden city had such incredible spots, one could definitely not resist visiting. The greeneries held aesthetic beauty. No doubt, I would take those memories with me to home.

We came back to the hotel in the evening. I opened the room's door; it was vacant because after we left in the morning, the other teams too went to stroll around the city. I lay down on my bed, hanging my legs below while my forefeet touched the tiled-floor. I felt my phone vibrating inside my cross bag so I delved in to take it out. I sat straight on my bed after looking at the screen. It was Darshan's video call; I swiped up without wasting another second.

"Hey", I said at the moment when the call got connected. "Hi", he forced a smile. I asked reading his face, "Why do you sound so low? Are you nervous for your song's release?". He nodded biting his lower lip. Earlier, I decided to tell him that the next day I had auditions for street dancing and I was anxious about it but after seeing him already captured with nervousness, I shut. "Listen, don't worry. Just think positive. I understand it's very-very important for you and you are scared about the reaction of people. You are nervous because you don't know how others will review it. If we look on the brighter side, this is your first opportunity; it can help you to reach out to people. The results are in the hand of people but you know that you've poured your heart into this. By the way, you have Mom and Dad at your back and I am always there. Everything will be good, okay?", I tried to motivate him. This was the first time when I was motivating him; multiple times he had motivated me. "But Nandini, what if I lose?", he said in despair. "Darsh, you have to believe in yourself. I can just preach you from here; only you can help yourself out. I won't be able to make any difference until you try to overcome your fear. I know it's very easy to get swayed away by it and almost impossible to avoid but you know that you have the power to do this. Inside you, lives an invincible strength, you just have to find it. After all, hard work pays off, boy. No matter if you win or lose, you'll still have enough of attempts in your hands. There's no end until you stop so just keep moving ahead. Think of the young bird who is untrained to fly but if she will not take the first step, will she be able to get out of that place. No, she will be stuck there for her entire life likewise if we give up before trying we will lose before gaining", I spoke instead of the fear I had, and I tried to hide it from him. His eyes shone with confidence, "I think you're right. I have tried my best. If this doesn't go well, I will make another. I will keep on trying until I accomplish my goal. But wait, you have your audition tomorrow, right. You told me before leaving Mumbai". "Umm...yes", I fumbled. "Gosh! Look who is feeling scared, the girl who lectured me for the past ten minutes. Unbelievable!", he said. I rubbed my neck and smiled. "Okay, listen. I have seen you dancing, not only seen you but I've also performed with you. I don't know if you believe this or not but when you dance, you make everything near you fade away. I swear everything vanishes. The elegance and charm you hold, hardly someone else can. When you move your feet on this floor and wave your hand in the air, an aura gets created around you. Considering the splendid performances you have given in our city, I believe you will nail it tomorrow. You are like my power pack, if you will get upset then how will I be able to control my anxiety", his words were so soft. My ears felt blessed to hear him. The way he motivated me, uplifted my moral, I felt boosted up. "No, I am not scared now. Even if I do, you are there so I don't worry", I said.

"Should I put my hands out from this phone and hug you?", he said. "Can you do that? I want to see you", I chuckled. "Huh, you've a talented boyfriend. I can do anything", said he and I again giggled. "What happened?", I screeched when he suddenly hung his head low. He slowly lifted his head and I saw tears accumulated on his waterline while he smiled weakly. "I am sorry. I... shouldn't...have this", I took gap between words. This was the first time, I saw him crying and believe me, I felt helpless that he wept and I could not even wipe off his tears. That was a heart-breaking sight, seeing him cry was not my cup of tea. His pain pierced through my heart and I felt it aching badly. When people like him cry, it feels very bad. The thought that maybe he is hurt because of something and that's why he is crying made me feel despaired. I felt like going straight to Mumbai and embracing him tightly in my arms but distance stood as a barrier between us. "Why are you crying?", he said somberly. "Because I am feeling left out that you are crying without me", I said and thankfully he smiled. "What happened Darsh? Are you fine?", I asked him. "No matter how hard I try but I can't hide my feelings from you", he said. "Are you alone? Should I call Divya", I stupidly questioned. "I am not alone, I just feel lonely. I don't know why I feel a gnawing pain inside me. I just don't have a good feeling, something is not right, Nandini. My guts say something bad will happen, really bad", he said slowly. "Promise me, you won't strand me alone. You won't leave me", his voice cracked. When I was leaving Mumbai, I too felt the same. I had that helpless feeling too but I did not want to share it with him. It would make him feel low. "Darsh, I swear, I won't leave you whatever happens. Calm down. Don't take stress", I exclaimed and he nodded.

"Did you visit tea villa after I left?", I questioned him. "Yes, I went on a date", he answered back. "Date? Whom did you go out with?", I raised my eyebrows. "My guitar, one of my oldest girlfriend", he joked and we chuckled. "I envy her. She is still around you", I said. "Yes, she even gives me more hugs than you ever gave", he smirked. "She can't give you that comfort", I said tilting my head.. "I agree", he grinned. "You know what...oh!", my hand ached and I couldn't complete. "I think you are holding your phone since long and you even look exhausted. You should take rest", he suggested. "Yes. Okay then bye. My best wishes are with you, I know you will rock it tomorrow. Tell the world who is Darshan Raval", I said. "Break a leg! Let this world know how kickass Nandini dances. I love you", he said giving a flying kiss. "I love you too", we disconnected the call. 

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