Chapter 8

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"Ah, my stomach, it's twisting in knots. I am so excited that I can't even sleep. What shall I do?" I said to myself. My phone vibrated and I picked it from the side-table of my bed. Darshan left me a message "I am not able to sleep, too nervous for tomorrow. Butterflies are fluttering their wings in my stomach". "Same here", I reverted back. We continued chatting for an hour in the mid-night. I don't know when I fell asleep while nattering with him.

I woke up when the bright sunrays reached my eyes. I sat straight on the bed because the first thing which hit my mind was that whether Dad has left for his office or not. I made my way out of the coverlet and quietly walked to Veena Maa's room. I peeped inside through the door. Suddenly I felt a touch on my shoulder and I turned back, I thought it was Dad, I was literally terrified. "Gosh! You almost took my breath away", I screamed. "I thought it was Dad".

"Don't worry; he left to Shimla, early morning, for his official work. He will be back by tomorrow", Veena Maa exclaimed. "Thank God", I relaxed. "Where's Aarohi?"

"She went to Dhriti's place; they both will meet you directly at the college. Go, get ready", she told and I went to freshen up.

"Maa, give me breakfast. I don't want to be late", I cried out combing my hair. "Take", she kept the plate on the table. I crammed my mouth with the sandwiches and filled my backpack. "I'm leaving", I said tying my shoe lace. "Break a leg, today. Go, nail it, my daughter!", Maa wished me luck and kissed my forehead. "Okay, bye", I took my helmet and key and walked to my scooty. "Let's go, sweetheart", I said to my scooty, though it couldn't hear, and rode it to college.

I stepped down from my scooty and co-incidentally bumped into Darshan at the entrance gate of college. "I'm feeling so nervous", we spoke simultaneously and burst into laughter. "By the way you are before time, today", I remarked. "Umm, by happenstance", he replied and made me crease up. "Students, please report to the respective dressing rooms for boys and girls" echoed in our campus. "Meet you in the green room, then", I said to him and went to dress up.

The outfits were going to be surprise because our college was providing it and we had no idea what might come out. "Aww! This is so pretty", I said looking at the red ruffled gown which was kept in my section. "I should get ready fast". I put on the gown, it was tight though and maybe the tailor did not take the measurement so well. Then I secured my hair into a bun allowing the curls to dangle near my ears. I was ready in just 20 minutes and now I had to see what Darshan was doing.

"Hey Abeer, is Darshan ready?", I asked Abeer who stood in front of the boys' dressing room. "I'll check", he replied in a shaking voice and went inside the room. I said giggling, "I pray to God that someday he overcomes this Nandini-phobia". "He needs 10 minutes more" he replied and hastened away.

"He takes so long", I said in amusement. I waited for him for the next 10 minutes and finally he came out dressed up in a black tuxedo. He looked damn hot, like really, damn hot. We kept on gazing at each other. I looked at him, he looked at me. Neither of us could take our eyes off, we both just smiled without uttering a word. "Ahaa.. What's happening?" Dhriti interrupted and I and Darshan started to look at different direction. "Nothing. What's with you?", I replied hesitatingly. "Come to the green room, Aarohi is waiting for you", she ordered. "I'm coming, go", I sent her forcibly from there.

"You are looking so beautiful", he smilingly complimented. "And you're looking so hot", I blabbered which made him feel shy blush. What the heck did I speak? "I will go", I ran to the green room without waiting there for even a second.

Everyone looked nervous, I could see them panicking. Aarohi said, "Hey Nandini, I'm so excited. I know you and Darshan will nail it". "Fingers crossed", I replied. "Don't worry; everything will come out as you want it to. You are a brave girl, right?" Dhriti tried to motivate me and I simply nodded. "I had to tell you something, there are 15 minutes left for the programme to begin and yours performance is the first one" she informed. "First one?" I screamed out. "Then I shall find Darshan, bye". Dhriti said, "Turn back, he is already here", I turned back and found him standing behind me. How would I even face him? I was feeling so weird. What would have he thought of me? Several questions kept on striking my mind.

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