So yeah...

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Hey guys, i know you were probably hoping and expecting this to be another chapter, but it's not.

This is the first time i've been on my computer, having free time, in at least a week or so. 

I've had so much homework and when i don't (which is almost never), i feel like i should hang out with Rykiel (or other friends). 

So, i hope you guys understand that i actually can't upload or write because of school. 

Also, i probably won't be updating for a few more weeks. 

Seriously though, please don't hate me. Omg i can't even. 

Let me just explain how crazy it is right now;

1. I just started school and I have so much homework, okay. Like way too much homework. 

2. I have to shower every day because i have dance on 'day one' and gym on 'day two'.

3. I've been trying to figure out what i'm doing for my birthday and trying to make a list of what i would like. It's crazy because it's in like a week (Oct. 7th) (Just saying, lulz)

4. I'm so tierd. Lord jayzus.

5. My mom makes me go to bed at like 10:15pm. 

So, yeah. Hope yall understand now.

Thanks bbys :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2012 ⏰

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