Chapter 2

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Hey yall.



I think i might have to get a new alarm clock.

I kind of punched it right off the night stand and i think i heard a crack.

 "Mehhhhh." I hated school, even more than i hated work. Mostly because it's 7 hours of Raachel, Khali and Nia. And also "Omg do you think he likes me. I hope he does. Omg."  from Anabelle and Phoebe, my other bestfriends.

I rip my sheets off and sit up. My feet touch the cold, hardwood floor and i shiver. I don't like being cold. I walk to my bathroom, strip off my clothes and get into the shower. 15 minutes later, I run out of the bathroom, seeing what time it is and go straight to the window. I peer through the blinds. Blazing sun. Yay! I love when it's sunny. I mean, i expected it to be a little sunny, since it's summer and all, but never did i expect it to be this sunny. After admiring the sun for a while, i get dressed. I put on a black v-neck t-shirt, jean shorts, black wedge boots and a pair of round ombre sunglasses. I grab my bag and my phone and go down stairs, to see my mom one her phone, looking through her emails. 

"Mornin' mom!", i sang. "Huh? Oh, hey sweetie." "Well then." i snapped back to her. "Sorry, i got this really important meeting with the editor and the other photographers today." "Ugh, again?" "Yes, again. Well, what if i told you it was about you?" "I'd think you were a big fat lier. That's what i'd think." "Well, it is about you. Remember the 'bring your kids to work day'?" "Yes..." "And you had to do a 'photoshoot'.." "Yes.. go on.." "Well, they thought your photos were amazing.. and that you would make an exellent model...?" "Seriously?" "Yes! That's what everyone said." "Anddd....." "And they want to hire you as there new model... because they can...." "Oh my god mom! Please! please! Pleeeaaasssee-" "Gosh darnit, girl, shut up. Yes. I told them that i'd talk to you about it." "Oh my god mom thank you so much."

My mom is a photographer and her agency is alawys looking for new models. Lucky for them, i've always wanted to be a model. "Don't you have school to attend?" "Oh yeah, bye mom!" "Yeah, yeah, bye!"  


I arrive at school and see, what i think to be, all of the girls in my entire school swarming the east entrance. MY ENTRACE. MINE. I'm one of the only people who have to go through that entrance in the morning because of where my locker is located. How am i supposed to get in if a few hundred girls sre surrounding it?

I keep walking to it, 'cause idgaf. I push past a whole bunch of girls and i'm almost at the door when some big guy comes and blocks my way. I raise my eyebrows at the man. "Sorry ma'am, you can't go in there yet.", he says firmly. "Why not? I'd like to get to my locker, thanks." "I'm sorry miss, but i can't let you do that."

I stare at him, "But i need to get in." "I'm sorr-" "Just let her in!" a voice behind me says. "Thank you." I snap and look the big man straight in the eyes before i turn around to see who said that. I turn around and who do i see? Harry Styles. Now, i understand the swarm and the 'bodygaurd'. "Thanks, again." I briefly smile and remember what happened yesterday. "Hey, you look familiar.." "Yeah, i'm the girl in the McDonalds window who you and your friends hit with water yesterday." He chuckles, "Yeah, about that, i'm really, really sorry. I feel really bad about that.." "Yeah well. There's nothing you ca-" "Is that the girl we got yesterday?", I hear another boy say. "Yes this is, sorry, what's your name?" "Emily." "Lovely name. Yes. Is there anything you'd like to say to her?", He says and elbows him. "Owch, Harry. That hurt! And yeah, thanks for being a great target!", He says, then bear hugs me. "You are so, very welcome!",  I say. Louis smiles again. "I'm gonna go now. Since i've got no buissiness being here." "Oh.. Ok.. uhm.. bye Emily! Sorry, again.." Harry says looking down. "Yeah, bye." I say and push through the door.


This is still a short chapter. I do not think i am capable of writing a long one. Sorry not sorry.

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