Remembering A Promise

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A/N (Author's note)
Demon or other speaking

Naruto's P.O.V.

After helping the boy save his brother and friends I flew off. I decided I wasn't going to go back to the island. I figured that the child would eventually find me and I just wanted to rest and be left alone.

I had heard from Marines and Pirates that had passed by my island, was that there was a new recently discovered continent. The world government had ordered that no one should step foot on the mysterious continent. And those that did step on the continent never came back.

I was heading in the direction of this Mysterious continent, when I remembered that there was another continent to the East. I paid it no mind until, I remembered a promise that I had made.


'I was resting in a cave with a massive clearing for me to stretch if I needed to. The clearing had a big pond in it, which gave me enough water. Of course even in a beautiful and secluded location, I was still harassed. These creatures called Demons would attack me in order to "Gain my power" or whatever they were blabbering about. I had mentally kept a list of all the demons that I have killed. I have killed 456 Oni, 213 Kappa, and 189 Tengu. Of course there was the occasional new Demon that crossed my path, but they were very rare.

I was resting when I heard the sound of feet hitting the cave floor. "How many Demons do I need to kill for you to leave me alone" I said. I heard the mysterious figure walking until it stopped right in front of me. I let out a massive sigh and opened my eyes. I saw a strange looking man, but through his appearance I was able to deduce that he was not human.

He wore white robes, his armor was grey and black, he had two shoulder plates on each side, he wore a red belt that had blue ends, he wore blue and black sandals, and he wore blue and black arm guards. He had two beautiful looking swords on his right hip, he had a third sword that he held on his back, and he had a fourth sword that was on his left hip. His hair was long and white, his hair was in a ponytail held by a red ribbon, he had long pointed ears, and finally he had giant blue scar like marks on his cheeks.

I admitted that this Demon was the most human looking Demon that had ever crossed my path. I noted that there was a flee type Demon on his shoulder but I paid him no mind. I also looked passed him to see if he brought someone else with him. At the entrance I saw a green imp like creature holding a staff and trying to hide. Again I paid this Demon no mind.

I looked back at the Demon before me and asked with a slightly threatening tone "are you hear to try and take my power like so many have tried". "No I have not come to take your power" he said. Even though I didn't believe what he said I could see no deception in his eyes. "I have come here to ask for your help oh magnificent one" he said while bowing on one knee. I ignored the "oh magnificent one" and asked "and what pray tell could I possibly help you with". "I need your help to slay one of my greatest enemies, in order to assure my wives and children's safety" he said his voice not wavering.

After he said that I really began to look at this Demon. In all of my short existence I had never come a crossed a man or Demon with such a Noble goal. "I will help you protect your wives and children as it is a understandable and Noble goal" I said with a loud voice.

I proceeded to help him in battle, against an army of Demons that was led by a dragon looking demon. It took both of us to slay the entire army. And we were finally able to defeat the dragon like demon by sealing him with my partners tooth.

After the battle was over he told me to meet him by my cave as he wanted to talk. After that he vanished without a trace. I then proceeded to burn all of the Demon corpses in order to hide the fact that I was there.

After burning the corpses I made my way back to my cave, to find the mysterious demon there waiting for me. "I don't think we have introduced ourselves I'm Tōga" he said while bowing his head. "I don't really have a name, but my old name was Naruto" I said while bowing my head to him. "If you don't mind me asking what do you mean your old name was Naruto" he asked with a raised eyebrow. I don't know why but I proceeded to tell Tōga my life story. After sharing my life's story he had shared his. How he wanted to unite both Humans and Demons, so that they can all live in peace. And by the end we had become very good friends. Then he surprised me with what he said next.

"Would you please watch over my kids in case I died" he said with a serious face. I was shocked he had basically asked me to be his children's godfather. Of course I didn't turn him down but I did tell him that I was planning on traveling to find a new place to live as this place had to much excitement for me. However before I departed he gave me one of his swords. He said that this was his most powerful sword and that he wanted me to have it. I protested and tried to give it back but he said that there would be no one for him to give the sword. And that if it was in my hands he would know that it was used for honor and good. Of course after hearing that I accepted the blade

I stayed for a couple of years and watched as one of his children Sesshomaru was born. I stayed and learned from Tōga how to use a sword. And I learned how to turn back into my human form with the help of and old monk. I met some very interesting people and made some new friends. But despite all of this I had to leave, and find a place for me to live in peace.'

'Flashback end'

I had heard from my sword that both Tōga and his 2nd wife had both died protecting their son. After remembering the promise I made to Tōga, I decided to head east in order to check up on his sons. Then when I made sure they were safe, only then would I leave to the new mysterious continent, to hopefully live in piece.

Naruto is finally going to fulfill a long overdue promise. But what he will find will definitely test his control.

A/N (All the characters except Naruto and the monk, are apart of the anime Inuyasha).

A/N (I threw the monk in their for an important reason that will be explained later on in the story).

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