The Marineford Incident

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A/N (Author's Note)
Demon or other speaking

Luffy's P.O.V.

After hearing that Ace had been captured, and was going to be sentenced to death, I ran back to my ship as fast as I could and set sail to free Ace. I ordered my crew to get us their as fast as possible.

However along the way we met others that were trying to help us. That is where I met the notorious Whitebeard. I was shocked to find out that Whitebeard, THE Strongest Man In The World, was sick. He was hooked up to various life support machines. And was constantly surrounded by a bunch of nurses. Me and my crew had to practically hold Sango back from going crazy.

Whitebeard had told me and my crew, that Ace was captured trying to locate and kill a former member of their crew.

Marshall D. Teach.

More commonly known as Blackbeard. Over a few short months, Blackbeard had become one of the most famous and fearsome pirates to ever roam the sea. They said he was so dangerous that you should avoid any kind of confrontation with him if you can. In only a few short months he had made himself an enemy of the world government, and had the 4th highest bounty in the seas.

Whitebeard had tasked Ace with finding Blackbeard and killing him. There had been many a time when Ace had gotten close to killing Blackbeard. But Teach always slipped away at the last minute. However this time Teach had lead Ace into a trap. Apparently Blackbeard had gotten into a fight with Ace that lasted for around 2 hours.

As Ace was about to deliver the killing blow, Teach somehow slipped away. However shortly after Aces confrontation with Blackbeard he was ambushed by Marines.

After that we headed to Marineford to rescue my brother. We had arrived at Marineford and shortly after the war was started. The war for Ace. Marines and Pirates were dying left and right. I fought along side my crew, Whitebeard, and Boa Hancock to save my brother.

However despite getting Ace free, I still failed. An attack was being sent towards me, and my brother had jumped in front of me to protect me. The attack was getting closer and closer. I began to cry into Aces shoulder. 'I don't want to die, but I don't want to lose my brother.....please someone, anyone.....SAVE MY BROTHER !!' I thought.

At the same time in a different location

'I don't want to die, but I don't want to lose my brother.....please someone, anyone..... SAVE MY BROTHER!!'

Giant pupil less eyes snapped opened, and a mighty roar was released. Suddenly a gust of wind came  and the beast destroyed any ship it came across. The magnificent beast did not stop moving, until it found its target.

Luffy's P.O.V.

I was crying into my brothers shoulder hoping and praying for someone to save us. But I saw the attack still coming towards us and I knew that no one was coming to save us.

'I love you Ace' ....... 'I love you to Luffy' we exchanged goodbyes, while the attack came ever closer. My crew was yelling out for me while trying to make their way towards me. 'I can't believe this is where I die but, I am glad to have met all of you' I thought with a tear going down my left cheek. 'I just wished I could have met you again' I thought of my very first friend, the attack now finally upon us. I closed my eyes and waited for the attack to hit us, but it never did.

The battlefield had become quite. It was so quite you could hear a pin drop. After a few moments I opened my eyes to see that something was blocking the sun. I looked up and my eyes widened, there he was.

...... The Black and Blue dragon.

He was on all fours and standing in front of me and Ace. That's when it hit me, he intercepted the attack. He saved both me and Ace. I looked around to see everybody, Marine and Pirate alike staring at him. He slowly turned to face me and Ace....

And he looked at me.

His giant pupil less eyes were starting into mine. That's when I suddenly heard a voice in my head. 'You seek to protect your friends and your brother child?' The voice asked. 'Yes' I answered without hesitation. 'Then it shall be done child' the voice declared in a voice fit for a king or God.

The dragon's white pupil less eyes suddenly flowed blue, and the next thing I know is we're back on our ships. Me, Ace, my crew, and Boa Hancock were on Whitebeard's ship because our ships were destroyed in the battle.

The dragon then turned back around to face the Marines.....and released a deafening roar. The roar shook the entire island, shot almost every Marine into the sea, and destroyed all the ships that were closest to land.

The dragon had jumped up in the air and flew around the island releasing blue flames. In less than a second all of Marineford was engulfed in blue flames, and the smoke blocked out the sky.

The dragon was suddenly hit with a cannonball. The dragon turned to the rest of the fleet, composed of around 123 Marine vessels. A blue light started to travel up the dragons throat. The dragon the shot a blue glowing ball the size of a cannonball. Then the ball grew and grew and grew. It encompassed the entire fleet and half the island before shooting upward. The light was so bright it forced all of us to shut our eyes. When the light died down and the dust settled half the island was gone and the fleet was gone without a trace.

The dragon released another deafening roar, then shot down into the water. We were all trying to look for it, but then it shot up in front of us. It was leaning on the side of the ship and it was looking at us. Everyone was currently in a fighting stance. I just walked up to the dragon despite the protests of my friends. The dragon lowered its head towards me. We were both looking at each other, eye to eye. I got down on my knees and thanked him "Thank you for helping us, and saving my brother". Suddenly a giant finger was in front of my face and proceeded to lift my head to look up at him. He started down at me and a glow was emitting from his mouth, everyone was on edge and about to attack the dragon. But then the glow faded and he released a sound from its throat, it almost sounded like....

That's when we all realized it was laughing at us. After a few minutes it stopped and pointed at Whitebeard. Whitebeard stepped towards the dragon without any fear on his face, but on the inside he was sweating like crazy. The dragon placed its finger on his forehead, and suddenly a blue light enveloped the ship.

When the light died down, everyone looked at Whitebeard. Nothing seemed off that is until the dragon spoke.

"I have healed you" he said as if it was no big deal. "Why would you heal me" Whitebeard asked. "By healing you, you would have do something for me" he said. "What would you have me do" Whitebeard asked. "You must always cherish and protect your crew, and you must train this child so that he may achieve his dreams" he said in a commanding voice. "I will, You have my word" Whitebeard said while placing his fist over his heart. "Good, then I will be off" he said while turning to leave.

"Wait" I yelled, he stopped. "Will I ever see you again" I asked while looking down at my feet. He turned back around and ruffled my hair with one of his fingers. "Of course you'll see me again, much like you I'm on a journey, and when I find what I'm looking for I'll come back and see you" he said while looking down at me and given me what appeared to be a smile.

He then turned around and flew off.

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