Tenrou Island

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A/N (Author's Note)
Demon or other speaking

*Two weeks later*

It has been two weeks since I helped both Inuyasha and Seeshomaru come together. After helping them resolve their problems, I headed to this new mysterious continent that the "World Government" found.

It took me about a week of non stop flying to get to my location. When I had finally reached my destination I wasn't disappointed. There were great huge forests, the sky was a beautiful clear blue, and the towns that I did see were small. But I knew from the surroundings that I had been here before. 'Earth Land' I thought. I had been here centuries ago when the continent was ruled by dragons. Of course over times humans began to hunt and kill dragons. Now there were so few left in the world.

'I wonder if the others are still around, I'll check later first I got to find a place to live' I thought to myself. I looked for a suitable location when I found a nice huge cave for me to live in. Of course when I landed at the front of the cave I was attacked. I was attacked by a group of those annoying Vulcans. 'Of course the cave couldn't be unoccupied, of course these annoying little vermin's would live in there' I thought to myself. I just stood there with a bored look on my face and let them attack me. Of course there attacks didn't even do anything.


All it took for me to get rid of those annoying vermin's was one single roar. In fact it wasn't even my loudest roar. After they all ran away with their tails between their legs, I immediately set up shop.

I had cleaned the cave of their filth.........buy burning everything in the cave. I was able to finally rest and get some much needed sleep.

However nothing lasts forever, apparently the Vulcans that I had sent packing, had found a small town and began attacking. A local guild had taken care of it but that sent the Vulcans back here. They annoyed me constantly and no matter what I did they wouldn't stop. So I got up and left. None of the other places appealed to me, and the risk of being found either by humans or other animals was a huge one, both were unpleasant.

So I had relocated to a new fairly large island. The island was nice and beautiful. On the island there was a huge tree. The island had no annoying animals, of course there were birds but that's it. I made sure that the island was uninhabited. After doing that I found a nice sized cave and proceeded to live there.

*Two years later*

I was having a nice dream about my friends and real family from my old home, until I was awoken. I was awoken by a small admittedly adorable little girl.

She had long beautiful blue hair done up in pigtails. Her face was small and cute, she had big adorable brown eyes, she had a cute little nose. She wore a beautiful dress, the bottom half was dark green with a fishnet like pattern on it, and the top had tree arrow like patterns, the arrows were varying different colors. The top arrow was a light blue, the middle arrow was a light green, and the last arrow was a light yellow with a white outline.

When she saw me her eyes lit up. "Grandeeney" the child yelled with tears falling from her eyes. She ran up to me and hugged me. I just remained silent not knowing how to respond. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes. "It's me Grandeeney, don't you remember me" she asked with a sad face. "Child I'm not this Grandeeney you speak of" I said calmly trying not to scare or upset the child. "Oh I'm sorry sir" she said letting go of me and looking down at the ground. "Child you don't have a reason to apologize, the fault is all mine, I should have said something sooner" I said while lifting her head up to look at me. She gave me a small smile. "Now child why exactly are you here if you don't mind me asking" I said. "Oh no my friends are in danger" she said starting to panic.

"Calm down child.....now tell me what is happening" I said calmly. "Me and some of my guild members came to this island to take a test, the test was to decide if we were ready to become S class mages, however we were attacked by a dark guild by the name of Grimoire Heart, however we eventually defeated them" she said. After a couple of seconds she spoke again "we were all about to conclude the test, when a tall giant four armed white monster rose from the sea and began attacking, the guild instructed me to run deep into the island in order to remain safe, then I stumbled upon you". "Please I know we just met, but can you please help us......I don't want to lose them there the only family I have.....I can't let them get hurt, please help us" she said while curling up and crying.

I immediately stood up, and poked her shoulder to get her attention. It worked as she looked up at me. "Well what are you waiting for let's go and kick some but" I said while giving her an eye smile.

Somewhere far away

Kakashi's P.O.V.

Aaaacchhhoooo. I sneezed. 'I wonder who's thinking about me.....hopefully it's some pretty woman' I thought. I eventually just shrugged it off and went back to reading my book.

Back with Naruto

Naruto's P.O.V.

After consoling the little girl, I instructed her to jump onto my back. After she jumped on my back, I ran out of the cave and took off to go and save this little girls friends.

Naruto has finally settled in Earth Land. And will finally meet a few people of Fairy Tail.

Now Naruto must help this little girl to save her friends/Family.

And he'll have to face this giant unknown creature.

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